Provincial Court Judge and Queen's Counsel appointments

Philip Seagram, (’87), a Nelson Crown counsel, was appointed a Provincial Court judge and will be sworn in on January 11, 2016 and assigned to the Interior Region with resident Chambers situated in Nelson, BC. 

Judge Seagram has practiced criminal law in Vancouver, the Fraser Region, Penticton and Nelson since his graduation from UVic Law. In addition to his career as Crown Counsel, he has worked in private practice and been a member of the Review Panel B.C. Mental Health Act. 

Four newly appointed Queen’s Counsel are UVic alumni:

  1. Judith Kenacan (’83)
  2. Augustine Earmme (’91)
  3. Thomas Christensen (’94) (Tom Christensen is mentioned in the recent issue of Vistas. He was, successively, Minister of Education, Minister of Aboriginal Relations, and Minister of Children and Family Development in the Gordon Campbell government.)
  4. Jeffrey Campbell (’98)

In addition, two very good friends of the Faculty are also among the new QCs:

  1. Robert Janes is a principal of JFK Law, donor to the Faculty and very involved in the Environmental Law Centre.
  2. Nancy Merrill, a Bencher for Nanaimo, taught Family Law with us this past term.
