Spindle whorl returns to Law building

The foyer of the law building was full last Friday afternoon for the ceremony to re-install the spindle whorl that was stolen early in the summer. The ceremony was led by Dean Jeremy Webber and First Nations elders Fred Charlie, Skip Dick, and Skip and May Sam. Carver Charles Elliott was also on hand to tell the story of the spindle whorl that he carved over 20 years ago for the faculty of Law.

Jeremy Webber was interviewed on CBC Radio's All Points West on October 3rd, and spoke of the significance the art holds in terms of the partnership between the faculty and local Indigenous communities.

Many thanks to Darcy Lindberg, Jittiya Dearden, Jordan Forbes, Rosemary McCutcheon, Associate Dean Gillian Calder, and ILSA co-chair Clay Gray, for their help in preparing for the ceremony, and especially to Heather Raven for her important contributions both before and in the ceremony. And special thanks to UVic's Legacy Gallery. Director Mary Jo Hughes, Caroline Riedel and Roger Huffman received the spindle whorl when it was initially returned, did a light repair on its mounting, took good care of it, and then returned it for the ceremony last night.

It's wonderful to have the spindle whorl restored to the entrance of the building for all to see.