UVic Law students win 2 out of 3 awards at 7th annual Canadian Law Student Conference

Cynthia Khoo (3L) and Madeleine Shaw (2L) were two of 15 law students representing eight law schools invited to present their research at the 7th Annual Canadian Law Student Conference held at the University of Windsor on March 13 and 14, 2014. Cynthia’s paper, “‘To Be' Is a Verb: Rewriting Law through Embodied Reform” won the JSD Tory Writing Award for Best Conference Paper. Cynthia’s paper was written under Professor Gillian Calder’s supervision in Law 357 Sexual Orientation and the Law in Spring 2013. Madeleine Shaw won the Best Presentation Award for the presentation of her paper, “Mediation and International Parental Abduction: Rethinking the Resolution of Disputes under the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction.” Madeleine’s paper was written under Professor Jerry McHale’s supervision in Law 372 Public Policy and Dispute Resolution in Fall 2013.   

Congratulations to Cynthia and Madeleine, and thanks to Professors Calder and McHale!