Yaroslavna Nosikova wins essay prize

Recent graduate Yaroslavna Nosikova is the winner of the 2016 Harvey T. Strosberg Essay Prize for the best student essay on class actions in Canada.

Her paper, "Is Class Action a Preferred Remedy for Independent Contractors?: A Case Study on the Proposed Canadian Hockey League Class Action," was selected as the top submission in Canada and will be published in an upcoming issue of the Canadian Class Action Review.

Essay submissions come from across Canada and across disciplines. Any Canadian university student is eligible for the prize, and submissions must involve some aspect of class actions including legal, accounting and financing, public relations, computer science and management issues.

Yaroslavna graduated last spring from UVic Law, and is now articling in Toronto. She previously completed a bachelor of science and a master in biomedical engineering from the University of Toronto.

This is a much-deserved award for one of our newest and brightest alumni. Congratulations Yaroslavna!