Chinese Canadian Artifacts Project unveiled July 7th

The Chinese Canadian Artifacts Project (CCAP) for the first time brings together and makes accessible in a single, searchable database over 6000 Chinese Canadian artefacts held by 16 local and regional museums throughout British Columbia. CCAP originated as a Chinese Canadian Legacy Initiative project, one of several B.C. government projects to commemorate the historical contributions of Chinese Canadians to the province. Representing the provincial government, the Honourable Teresa Wat, Minister of International Trade and Minister Responsible for Asia Pacific Strategy and Multiculturalism, inaugurated the artifact project at the University of Victoria on April 30, 2015.Supported by the B.C. Museums Association, (Theresa MacKay, Executive Director), a UVIC research team (John Price, Project Director) partnered with 16 museums across the province to compile the database. UVIC’s Humanities Computing and Media Centre provided technical expertise and support to harmonize and enter the materials into the web-based, open-source archival repository ATOM (Access to Memory). Visit to view the database.