No two days are the same for Law Librarian Sarah Miller


Interview conducted by Talia Greene, Young Canada Works intern

You’re one of UVic’s Law Librarians. What does a typical day look like in these roles?

No two days are ever the same.  Most days involve helping students – answering questions over email or having appointments and drop-ins. Depending on the day, I will work on answering questions over email and preparing for student appointments. During the semester, I will provide library sessions in classes and update research supports like videos and guides. Working on projects and on committees also keep the days full and interesting.

What roles have you previously worked and where else have you worked before landing this position? 

My first position out of library school in 2018 was a six-month Young Canada Works intern position at the UVic Law Library. Circumstances worked out that at the end of that position, I was hired on as a limited-term law librarian from 2019-2022. I then worked as a Senior Librarian at the British Columbia Attorney General Law Library from 2022-2023, before happily returning to UVic Libraries in my current position this past August.

As someone who has lived in Victoria for a while, what are some of your favourite things to do here?

I really enjoy walking by the ocean and relaxing on the beach, particularly at Cattle Point or the little beaches tucked along Dallas Road.  I also enjoy going to a Benji’s Pub Quiz with friends and grabbing a bite to eat at The Tibetan Kitchen on Broughton Street with my go-to order, Sha Bakleb and Chai.

How do you spend your time outside of work?

My current hobbies (with varying degrees of complexity and success) are knitting, cross stitch, and needle felting. I’ve been slowly trying to brush up on dormant skills from years past, including French and piano.

What book are you enjoying at the moment and what do you like about it?

I just finished reading Thursday Murder Club, and now can’t wait to read the rest of the books in the series. It’s a light, humorous and well written series that is a great way to relax and wind down. 

Contact Sarah.