Apply to be a Fall Teaching Assistant


There are approximately 55 positions ranging from 98 to 150 hours each for the period between September and December 2024. Most positions are for about 98 hours in total, and are distributed as 8 to 12 weekly hours for 12 to 14 weeks. Teaching Assistants mark assignments and tests, instruct tutorials, or work in the Assistance Centre, which provides one-to-one tutoring with University of Victoria students who are enrolled in our first- and second-year Mathematics and Statistics courses.

All positions require TAs to be available on campus and face to face.

Priority will first be given to Graduate Students enrolled in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics follows the priority appointment procedures in Article 13.02 (Appointment Procedures) and Appendix A of the CUPE 4163 Collective Agreement.


  1. The application deadline is Sunday July 14, 2024.
  2. To apply, please fill out the online form at If you have any other questions, please contact Marie Marlo-Barski by email at, telephone 250-721-7459.
  3. There may be an interview as part of the hiring process.
  4. Everyone offered a position must be able to provide a Social Insurance Number. For international applicants we also require a study and/or work authorization.
  5. We hope to finalize the TA appointments and begin making offers by August 12, 2024.