Çerez Örnek

Workplace drug test

The workplace drug testing, which started in the 1980s in the world, can be implemented in our institute with different ways related to different drug-fighting policies and programs of the countries in the world. There are a number of reasons why corporations practice the workplace item testing of companies. Which are:

  • To ensure that employers and employees comply with the legal regulations
  • Reduce work-related accidents,
  • To improve the quality of work,
  • Reduce workplace crimes,
  • Helping society,
  • To increase productivity,
  • Reduce workplace conflicts.

In our country, legal regulations and applications of drug / substance use tests in workplaces have been defined within the scope of Labor Law, Occupational Health and Safety Law, Workplace Medicine, Transportation and insurance systems. Workplace drug testing can be carried out by pre-employment screening to seek urine samples from all job applicants, or post-employment observation to evaluate existing staff at random.

Contact us for workplace substance testing at our institution: +90 232 3901692 


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