Çerez Örnek

Addiction Information Stands:  We answer the society's and students' questions about addiction.


NO TO ADDICTION! DAYS 2  (Wednesday, 17 May 2017)

History of addictive substances

The reality of electronic cigarettes

 A "I am addictive" story

My friend is dependent what should I do?

Lifestyle or addiction? (internet, shopping, gambling, relationship addiction)


NO TO ADDICTION! DAYS 1   (27-28 March 2014)

Sessions on addiction, conversations, dance performances, street interviews, photography and cartoon exhibitions were held within the scope of the days organized by Ege University be knowledgeable don't be addicted Student Community and supported by our Institute.



Panels  on addiction and substance abuse for society.


Cartoon Exhibition
The cartoons prepared by 25 cartoonists for our Institute by İzmir Cartoonists Platform are exhibited at various events.


Addiction and Society Photo Contest and Exhibition

The photography competition themed "Addiction and Society" organized for the first time in Turkey by our Institute was concluded and the opening of the exhibition was held on 16 December 2013 with the participation of the award ceremony and Photograph Artist Timurtaş ONAN. The exhibition was taken to Addiction Congresses.

Ege Üniversitesi