Welcome to Attendant Services Program. We look forward to working with you to ensure a safe and effective residence stay at Carleton University.

Apply to be an Attendant

If you wish to be an attendant, please send Attendant Services a resume by mail or e-mail using the contact information below or use this form.

Apply to be an Attendant Form

Apply for Services as a Client

We have implemented a formalized application process consisting of seven steps.

Step 1:  Complete the application form found here.  The application form will guide you through a number of screens that outline our services and require you to acknowledge and agree to each to complete your initial application.

Step 2: Upon receipt of your application, the Direct Services Manager will send an Intake Form and required medical documentation forms.

Step 3: The applicant completes the forms and returns them to the Attendant Services email.

Step 4: The Direct Services Manager and Nurse Supervisor from Health and Counselling Services will review your documentation and schedule an intake interview.

Step 5: At the interview, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and the Direct Services Manager and Nurse Supervisor will confirm the information provided.  This will help all parties to plan out your service so that you receive the proper support.

Step 6: The Direct Services Manager and Nursing supervisor review all information submitted to create a service plan outlining your level of service and time required to meet your needs.

Step 7: After you agree to the individualized service plan, you will be offered services by the program.

In addition to applying to the Attendant Services Program, academic and housing applications are separate.  Students from Ontario are encouraged to apply to OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program).

Program Eligibility

Clients of the Attendant Services Program are required to re-apply each year and meet with the Nursing Supervisor from Health and Counselling Services of Carleton University and the Manager of Direct Services of the Program. This will be done virtually.

For those of you who are currently in residence, you are considered a returning student. We will schedule a meeting to discuss how the service met your needs over the past year and, whether changes need to be made based on the previous year’s feedback or any changes in your service requirements.

For those who are new to the Program, or have been away from the Program for one or more semesters (not including summer), you are considered a new client and must complete the new client section of the application.  Once your application has been received, you will be sent the documentation needed and will be scheduled a meeting with the Nursing Supervisor from Health and Counselling Services of Carleton University and the Manager of Direct Services of the Program. This meeting may be virtually or on site.

Application Deadlines

Students are reminded that there are limited spaces available in the program and are encouraged to apply for Attendant Services as soon as they have decided to live on campus.  This is often done more than a year in advance.

Returning students are required to apply for the following year by May 1.

New students are required to apply by May 15.

Summer residents are required to apply for service by March 1.

After these dates, students that apply after the deadline may be placed on the waiting list for services.

Regardless of the date of application, ALL applications will be evaluated within the context of program capacity. Completed applications do not guarantee that services will be provided by the Attendant Services Program.

Your feedback is always welcome!