Video in Education

Video is a great tool to bring in outside expert interviews or commentary, offer different perspectives, and visualize challenging concepts for your students. Since approximately 65% of students are visual learners, the use of video presents a powerful medium to enhance course learning. In our guide Video in Education, we outline several of the key ways you can incorporate video into your classroom and offer tips and suggestions for doing so.

Workshop Agenda

  1. Examples
  2. Find or Make
  3. Recording and Hosting Tools
  4. Captioning
  5. How to Distribute
  6. Tips
  7. Flipping Your Classroom, Blended & Online Teaching
  8. FAQs
  9. Resources
  10. Other Recording Tools


Lecture Capture – Voice Over PowerPoint
Recorded for NEUR 3200 by John Stead, Instructor and Chair of the Department of Neuroscience.

Problem Solving – Document Camera and Embedded Webcam of Instructor
Recorded for BUSI 1004 by Jacques Maurice, Instructor with the Sprott School of Business

Smart player – HTML5 or Flash – Playback Speed
Ex. JOUR 1000 Sharing and Submitting ePortfolio

Closed Captioning (have to manually caption yourself)

Find, Make, or Let Student Make

you, a mic, a computer and a recorder

Recording and Hosting Tools

Screen Recording

Video Hosting

  • Free: Youtube?
  • Youtube
  • Kaltura
  • Edge cast
  • Vimeo
  • Wistia


Do this project require closed captioning?

  • Captioning can be done manually (time consuming)
    By computer (Machine transcription) usually has a high error rate
    Bt professional captioner (costs a lot)

How to Distribute

It is recommended that you post this link in your LMS course so your students can easily find the video. Alternately you can email the link directly to your class, post it on your website, blog or twitter account.


  • Sizing – Playback and mobile friendly?
    You are recording your whole screen, the person playing back the video might be watching on a smaller screen. 

    • Screen size  for process teaching – make your screen bigger if you will be showing software or websites and you want people top be able to see the text of options or pages. (link on how to do this coming soon.)
    • Powerpoint / Keynote – keep font sizes above 24 points, don’t pack the screen full of content
  • Plan your content in 5-10 min chunks
    • Attention spans are limited
    • Makes the video more reusable
    • Tends to keep quality higher
    • In your course page (i.e., cuLearn or D2L Brightspace), you can add interactions between videos
  • Don’t strive for perfection. Seriously! 
    • You can spend way too much time trying to get it just right.
    • The small “imperfections” make the video more real and avoids monotone hypnosis.
    • Good idea to have script or points laid out though.
    • Try to avoid post processing videos
  • Do a one min test recording
    Record a minute of sample instruction and carry out all of the process steps all the way to posting it in its final location. This will allow the user to discover if there are any issues in their workflow before they invest hours of recording time and then discover that the approach they are using is flawed. You will also be able to hear any issues with the audio.
  • Use a naming Convention
    Here is an example of the type of file name I think works best 2017_IEN_Topic_1_CH_01
    This file name tells me the year, the course and the context. These files will go onto several servers and Having identifiable file names ensures that files go into the proper places and can be found.
  • Editing your video
    • Trim the beginning and end
    • Use Camtasia Studio – Free at the EDC
    • Use MovieMaker or iMovie.
  • Set up Hotkeys to start and stop recording
  • Turn your speakers off while recording
  • Make a second account on your Computer
    It’s a good idea when using Screen recording (Camtasia Studio) to create a second account on the computer that you will be working on. This new user account can be configured for the proper screen resolution for recording. The two most standard sizes for modern video are 720 hd – (1280×720 pixels) or 1080p HD (1920×1080 pixels). Your screen resolution, your recording resolution, and your export resolution should match for best results. In addition, with the new user account, you can disable any notifications that might interrupt a screen recording session. Things like email pop up notifications, system alerts and sound can ruin a perfectly good recording session. Another nice thing to do is to make sure the desktop is not cluttered with unnecessary documents or icons.
  • Make a backup of your videos

Flipping Your Classroom, Blended & Online Teaching

Carleton’s Blended and Online Teaching program helps participants design an online or blended courses.

By the end of this program, participants should be able to:

  • Create an online or blended module
  • Engage and motivate students in online and blended learning environments.



Does the availability of lecture recordings affect attendance?

Although lecture capture might be expected to reduce attendance, there is little evidence of this among comparable UK institutions. Studies suggest that students can participate more actively in sessions when they feel able to take fewer notes. Usage reports also show that students tend to review short passages rather than watching or re-watching entire recordings, suggesting that they tend to use the facility to review complex or important parts of the lecture.

Of course, it will be necessary to be clear with students about the expected uses of lecture capture recordings. While students will most likely not get the full benefit of watching the lectures online rather than attending in person, some may assume that they no longer need to attend. It is lecturers’ responsibility to ensure students understand that lecture capture recordings are provided as a supplement, not a replacement, for teaching.

Lecture Capture

Other Links and Resources