Past Event! Note: this event has already taken place.

Maple Leaf Education Grad School Information Session

March 4, 2024 at 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Location:Virtual, see mySuccess for details.

Who this is for: Open to all students and alumni
What you will get out of it: Learn about Maple Leaf Education’s graduate programs, and how you can study abroad to become a teacher in both the United Kingdom and Canada.

Are you a Canadian university graduate, or will you be one in the future? Do you want to travel? Do you want to start your professional career? Study abroad in the United Kingdom and become a Qualified Teacher in both the United Kingdom and back in Canada. Maple Leaf Education will take care of you all the way through, from your first contact with us to coming back to Canada and getting certified here.

About Maple Leaf Education

Liam, the founder of Maple Leaf Education, is currently a certified teacher who studied and worked in the UK and Europe for nearly 5 years. Through his experiences, he is well-versed in the fun and rigors of studying abroad. Victoria works alongside Liam. She studied and taught in the UK and Australia. She supports students with similar goals and dreams about living and travelling abroad. Both are certified teachers in Canada.

Interesting Facts

  • You can complete Teachers College in one year with Maple Leaf Education.
  • Our partner schools are the University of the West of England, Bristol and the University of Gibraltar
  • Liam and Victoria are both from Ontario but met in the UK during the one-year Teachers College.
  • After graduating, Liam taught in the London and Paris and is now teaching back in Canada.
  • Victoria has taught in Wales and now she teaches in Australia.

What to Expect

A virtual session in which professionals from Maple Leaf Education who can tell you about their one-year program, what it’s like to study abroad and how to become a qualified teacher in both the United Kingdom and Canada.

How to Prepare

  • Have a personal laptop or desktop ready so you can participate in the session.
  • Make sure you have Microsoft Teams downloaded ahead of time and check for any updates before the session starts.
  • Test your camera and microphone ahead of time. We highly encourage participants to have their cameras on to better engage with the visiting Maple Leaf Education professionals.
  • Plan your video call background. It is recommended taking the call within a professional looking space or blurring the background if not possible. .
  • Get your resume updated! Consider visiting Career Services (401 Tory Building) for a review of your resume; drop-in hours are Monday-Friday 1-4pm.
  • Research the Maple Leaf Education ahead of time. Read more about them on their main webpage and learn about their programs.

View a PDF about highlights of studying in the UK.

To register, visit the mySuccess Co-op and Careers Workshops and Events Calendar.