by Nathaniel Whelan

Carleton is recognized as a global hub for innovation in wireless communications and networking technology.

In 2023, we ranked 32nd in the world for our efforts in telecommunications engineering, moving up 12 spots from 2022. More specifically, our leadership extends to a number of emerging areas, including next generation and non-terrestrial networks.

Contributing to Carleton’s immense success in these fields are the visiting scholars who come to our campus every year to collaborate. With access to new resources and expertise, each scholar broadens the scope of their research, while simultaneously elevating Carleton’s global profile.

Dr. Yanikomeroglu’s Research Group

Dr. Halim Yanikomeroglu has been with the Department of Systems and Computer Engineering since 1998 and is one of several faculty members at the forefront of this field. His areas of interest span the overall systems architecture of wireless communications and networks.

In addition to teaching, Yanikomeroglu leads a research group of approximately 25 people, made up of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. With a deep appreciation for international collaborations, he welcomes several visiting scholars to his team every year.

Speaking to the impact of these visits, Yanikomeroglu said:

“Coming from diverse research backgrounds and with rich skillsets, visiting scholars constitute an important part of my research workforce. Collaborations that start during research visits often continue afterward, in some cases, for years.”

In total, Yanikomeroglu has hosted 71 visiting scholars from various institutions around the world.

Current Visiting Scholars

Visiting scholars come to Yanikomeroglu’s lab through a variety of funding sources, including various national agencies in the researchers’ home countries. More recently, they have found significant success through the Study in Canada Scholarships (SICS) program.

SICS provides international students the opportunity to study or conduct research at a Canadian post-secondary institution, with the aim of strengthening international linkages, and promoting Canada’s academic and research excellence in new markets.

Yanikomeroglu’s research group currently includes six visiting scholars, three of whom came through the SICS program:

  • Faical Khennoufa
    • PhD student from the University of El Oued in Algeria
    • Research: advancing next generation wireless communications by focusing on non-terrestrial networks for seamless connectivity across diverse and remote locations
  • Bilal Karaman
    • PhD student from Manisa Celal Bayar University in Türkiye
    • Research: proposing solutions using High Altitude Platform Station (HAPS) systems in stratosphere to problems experienced by terrestrial communications networks, such as power outages or infrastructure damage after natural disasters
  • Melih Ince
    • Master’s student from Konya Technical University in Türkiye
    • Research: integrating autonomous vehicles and non-terrestrial networks with AI support to ensure flawless and safe driving experiences

Yanikomeroglu has expressed his profound admiration for these projects, noting how their progress has exceeded beyond his expectations, with each visitor reciprocating their respect, conveying gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside him.

“Dr. Yanikomeroglu’s exemplary proficiency in wireless communications has greatly contributed to my learning, making this research endeavour a rich and enlightening experience… This is very important for my future direction.”
– Faical Khennoufa

“Dr. Yanikomeroglu motivates his students through his own passion for research. Under his supervision, it has been an excellent experience for me to study in one of the leading research laboratories in this field at Carleton.”
– Bilal Karaman

“Partnering with Dr. Yanikomeroglu is the highest aspiration one can have… This is a pinnacle moment for my professional career. Being in his laboratory has helped me establish an excellent network for future collaborations.”
– Melih Ince

Youssra Cheriguene and Her SICS Journey

Youssra Cheriguene is a PhD student from Amar Telidji University of Laghouat in Algeria who came to Carleton back in October 2022 for 6 months, also through the SICS program. Her research focuses on addressing the challenges associated with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) misbehaviours and possible countermeasures.

While at Carleton, she worked closely with Yanikomeroglu, as well as Professor Wael Jaafar from École de Technologie Supérieure in Monreal, who connected Youssra to Yanikomeroglu through their shared research interests. This collaboration resulted in a published journal paper and broadened Youssra’s understanding of research methodologies.

“SICS played a pivotal role in fostering this partnership, marking a significant chapter in my professional development,” she said. “It not only facilitated my international research experience, but also opened up new avenues for exploration in my academic journey.”

This collaboration also led to her first conference paper, which she presented at an international symposium organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in September 2023 after returning to Canada.

“This milestone became achievable through my enriching experience at Carleton… and reinforces the impact of internationalization.”


In 2023, Carleton hosted 171 scholars from around the world, each one pushing the boundaries of their respective fields and contributing to our culture of research excellence.

Yanikomeroglu would like to thank Carleton International and its administrators, Yvonne Clevers and Sylvie Jasen, for facilitating these academic visits.

To learn more about Yanikomeroglu’s work, connect over LinkedIn or follow his YouTube channel.