1. Quick Facts
  2. Frequently Asked Questions
  3. Additional Resources

On January 2, 2015, the Notice and Notice regime of the Copyright Modernization Act came into force.  The goal of the Notice and Notice regime is to discourage online copyright infringement.

Notice and Notice is a tool established in the Copyright Act to help copyright owners address online copyright infringement (e.g., illegal downloading) so that they can protect their copyright material while respecting the interests and freedom of users. It formalized a voluntary industry-based practice that has been in place for several years.

Quick Facts

  • If you receive a notice of alleged infringement, it is because a copyright owner has identified your Internet address as being involved in an activity that allegedly infringes their copyright.
  • Receiving a notice does not necessarily mean that you have in fact infringed copyright or that you will be sued for copyright infringement.
  • The Notice and Notice regime does not impose any obligations on someone who receives a notice and it does not require you to contact the copyright owner or the intermediary.
  • The information provided by the copyright owner should help you understand the details of the alleged infringement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Resources

Learn more about the Notice and Notice regime on the Government of Canada’s Office of Consumer Affairs site.