1. Volunteer Opportunities
    1. Volunteer Notetaking
    2. Proofreading
  2. Paid Opportunities
    1. Tutoring
    2. Computer Notetaking
    3. Work Study
  3. Practicum and Internships

Getting involved with the Paul Menton Centre is an excellent opportunity to build your credentials – both volunteer and compensated – as well as to enhance your academic experience while investing in the experience of your peers.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Notetaking

As a Volunteer Notetaker, you will attend each lecture and take comprehensive notes to be made available online within 72 hours. Notetakers have the unique opportunity to improve their own skills and develop a sense of social responsibility while positively impacting the classroom experience of their peers.

Learn more about the Volunteer Notetaker role.

Volunteer Notetaker FAQ’s


Proofreaders work directly with the PMC student either in person or via e-mail. The assignment in need of proofreading will be “marked up” (usually through the “track changes” button in Word) in such a way that the student will understand what changes are suggested. The volunteer proofreader must be careful not to change the style or content of the written assignment, but rather, to make improvements to spelling, grammar and sentence structure.

To apply to be a volunteer proofreader please complete our online application form. Once your application has been reviewed a member of our team will be in touch with you directly regarding next steps.

Paid Opportunities


Tutors work one-on-one with students who require academic support in learning and understanding course material. The tutor acts as a coach and mentor by integrating academic support with the development of effective learning strategies and study habits. The main goal is to provide students with in-depth support while at the same time imparting skills to maximize the likelihood of future success and independence of the student. The demand for tutors in specific content areas will depend on students’ needs from term to term.

If you are interested in joining the PMC Tutor Roster, please complete and submit the online application form to get started!

If you have any questions prior to applying, please email pmc_tutoring@carleton.ca and a member of our team will be happy to hear from you.

Computer Notetaking

For information about Computer Notetaking positions, please email Hunter Calder, at hunter.calder@carleton.ca.

Work Study

The Work Study Program is a financial aid program funded by Carleton University. Students must apply to participate in the Work Study Program each year and be approved by the Awards Office before they can be hired.

Practicum and Internships

A limited number of practicum or internship opportunities are available for upper-year and graduate students in relevant fields, to gain practical experience working with students with disabilities.