Grow Through Community Engaged Learning

Campus to Community is a local program that allows students to develop skills, gain experience, learn about important issues and reflect on their experience by participating in a half day of community engaged learning with a local non-profit organization. Students will be supporting organizations with an assigned project or task and will learning more about how their organization is supporting the Ottawa community.

Build skills

Our program encourages problem-solving, critical thinking, and open-mindedness.

Participants learn to problem solve by seeing real world issues from different points of view. They also gain critical thinking by reflecting on our community and the world we live in. Additionally, students are exposed to open-mindedness and gain an appreciation for diversity.

Gain hands-on experience

Participants can get involved in causes that directly relate to their field of study or work. This expands and applies the knowledge they have already acquired.

This experience can also be added to resumes or applications for internships, research opportunities, or graduate school.

For more information about upcoming Campus to Community Days and to register to get involved, please click the button below.

Campus to Community Days

Be sure to follow our Ravens Student Life team on social media to keep up to date on all of our Campus to Community Days through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.