1. Students and Enrolment Strategic Plan
  2. Strategic Plan Objectives
  3. Annual Reports
  4. Strategic Plan Development
  5. Former Strategic Plan and Final Report

Students and Enrolment Strategic Plan

We are pleased to introduce you to our new strategic plan, Helping Ravens Soar: Students and Enrolment Strategic Plan 2021-2026. This plan represents the aspirations, values, commitments and goals of the Students and Enrolment Division for the next five years. Who we are, what we do, and where we want to go is all captured within this plan. Helping Ravens Soar has been designed as a companion to the Carleton University Strategic Integrated Plan (SIP), situating our division’s work within the larger framework of Carleton’s aspirations. Through this Strategic Plan, we will contribute our unique strengths to help Carleton be a force for good in service of our shared aspirations.

Read Helping Ravens Soar: Students and Enrolment Strategic Plan 2021-2026 (pdf, 2MB).

To introduce Helping Ravens Soar, please see this video from Suzanne Blanchard, Vice-President (Students and Enrolment) and University Registrar.

Strategic Plan Objectives

While the directions, themes and goals of our Strategic Plan will remain consistent over the life of the strategy, our objectives may evolve over time. In this way, our long-term strategic goals and directions remain fixed, but the ways in which we operationalize those goals can continue to develop. This approach allows our division to be nimble, adapting to changing circumstances, demographics or innovations as they arise. The operational elements of this plan are published and maintained annually on this website.

Helping Ravens Soar Objectives (pdf, 282KB)

Annual Reports

To support continued information sharing and transparency, Helping Ravens Soar Annual Reports will be created and published each year. This will help us to highlight the innovations, contributions and successes of our teams, while also remaining accountable to the aspirations, values and goals of our Strategic Plan.

Helping Ravens Soar Annual Report 2023-2024 (pdf, 3MB)

Previous Annual Reports

Strategic Plan Development

In 2020, a collaborative process to develop the new Students and Enrolment Strategic Plan began. We acknowledge with gratitude the many voices, perspectives and ideas that helped to form and strengthen Helping Ravens Soar: Students and Enrolment Strategic Plan 2021-2026. Throughout the development process, feedback was solicited using a variety of mechanisms, including:

  • Stakeholder meetings to inform draft creation
  • Students and Enrolment All Staff Town Hall feedback events
  • Stakeholder meetings to obtain feedback on the draft
  • Staff consultation sessions
  • Student consultation sessions
  • Social media feedback campaign
  • Online feedback submissions through a webform
  • Dedicated e-mail account to receive feedback and inquiries

A Strategic Plan Feedback Summary Report (pdf, 685KB) has been created to highlight some of the significant themes that emerged in the feedback, and how that feedback was addressed to strengthen the final Strategic Plan. Thank you once again to everyone who participated in the development process, we look forward to continuing to engage with the community as we move into the implementation phase of Helping Ravens Soar.

Former Strategic Plan and Final Report

With the launch of Helping Ravens Soar, our previous Strategic Plan came to a close. From 2019-2021, the Students and Enrolment Division implemented our former Strategic Plan, Engage. Empower. Inspire. (pdf, 2MB). To celebrate the closure of that plan, an Engage. Empower. Inspire. Final Report (pdf, 1.6MB) was created to highlight some of the many accomplishments of that period. All that we have achieved together lays the foundation for our continued success and growth in our new Strategic Plan.