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Accessibility Spotlight: Designing Inclusive and Authentic Assessments with UDL-Based Techniques

May 21, 2024 at 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Location:481 Future Learning Lab (4th floor), MacOdrum Library

Applying the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) centers students at the core of learning. When applying UDL to assessment practices, we provide a unique opportunity to create flexibility that engages students and supports learning…ones in which all students can succeed?!

Join TLS facilitators and educator Laura Pickell, instructor in the Department of Health Sciences here at Carleton, for an interactive session on how UDL principles can be adopted to create inclusive and authentic course assessments.

In this session, Laura will share how she designs authentic assessments that provide students with flexibility, choice, structure, and iteration to support student learning and growth. Laura will discuss UDL-based strategies and demonstrate them with different examples from her courses that will speak to instructors from all disciplines. Laura will also describe how students respond to these strategies and assessments.

The interactive part of the session will have participants working together to determine modifications they can make to their course assessments and will thus leave the session with an understanding of how UDL can be easily integrated into their assessments. The session will conclude with an open Q&A and discussion.

By the end of this session, participants will learn how to:

  • Describe strategies for modifying assessments with more flexible options and choices (to make them more inclusive);
  • Design flexible assignments and activities for students with differing abilities;
  • Incorporate at least one UDL strategy into their next assessment.