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Comparing two plotted results

Posted 1 month ago

Hi hope you are all doing well, I am trying to prove that the two graphs I got are the same so I want to put both results in the same graph (distribution and the last one) apparently there are clearly not the same because of the values of the x axes, If any of you knows how to put them both on the same graph and how to solve the problem of the last graph that would help me a lot, Thank you all in advance.

POSTED BY: Leo Murphy
2 Replies

There is something that I don't understand in your last plot. You have an expression of the form

Table[something, {r, 0, 2*10^-4}]

where something does not depend on r. Also, since the iterator r can only take integer values with your syntax, r only takes the value 0. The end value 2*10^-4 is totally irrelevant.

However, this makes a superposition of the plots:

lstplot = 
 ListPlot[(Range[1, 10^5, 100])^6/(
   128*he) ((5*Table[d1, {p1, 1, 10^5, 100}]) +
     (Range[1, 10^5, 100]*Table[d2, {p1, 1, 10^5, 100}])),
  PlotRange -> {0, 20000}]
With[{a = (2000000)}, 
  Plot[Evaluate[distribution /. r -> r/a], {r, 0, a*.0003}, 
   PlotStyle -> Red]]]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 1 month ago

Thank a lot for the idea, That actually the problem its seems like the last functions doesn't depend on r, its plotted in function of the number of points but I dont know how to fix that

POSTED BY: Leo Murphy
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