User Portlet User Portlet

Please have a look at the attached notebook. It contains a simple NOT circuit. I would expect the matrix of the circuit to be a 2 by 2 matrix. Just like the 2 by 2 matrix of the NOT gate itself. But in the Wolfram Quantum Framework it is...
I have a Raspberry Pi 4B running Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit. The proposed procedure with virtual realvnc works for me. It is important though to connect to the correct port 5901 ! I changed the resolution to 1920x1080. Thanks !
The InverseFourierSequenceTransform of DiracDelta is found, but not the more correct DiracComb: ![enter image description here][1] Doing the inverse does not work with constant r: ![enter image description here][2] Is this a bug or are...
Mathematica 13.3.1 finally fully supports nVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 12.2.1 The CUDADot issue is solved. Tested on Ubuntu 23.04 with nVIDIA 535.98 driver.
I solved it by giving 2 complex equations for 2 unknowns zeta and omegaN, as there are 2 complex conjugate poles. And now Mathematica immediately finds the solution. ![enter image description here][1] This method also works for 2 real poles: ...
Thank you very much! So I need to specify it like this: In[1]:= Solve[x^3 == (-1)^2, x] Out[1]= {{x -> 1}, {x -> -(-1)^(1/3)}, {x -> (-1)^(2/3)}}
Thank you. So from version 12.2.0 onwards, Wolfram does not provide a CUDA paclet anymore and is using the CUDA toolkit from nVIDIA native installation. Good news, no double installation anymore... But please provide a link to the Mathematica...
Thank you for this answer Daniel. But what is a generic result?
Thank you very much!! I now have paclet 12.0.303 based on CUDA 10.1 working fine with gcc 8.2.0 !!
Thank you very much! Finally CUDA 9.1 with Visual Studio 2017 compiler supported :-) But CUDACCompilers is still like in Mathematica 11.2 not funtional. But in SytemInformation Toolkit Version 4. is listed. Should this not be 9.1 ? And the...