User Portlet User Portlet

I finished my article about [the probability of monogenism][1]. I didn't have time to finish it 4 years ago but now it's done. Suggestions are welcome. Edit: the link should work now... [1]:...
I get the same message. Well, Block has no purpose in this test code. I would use Block together with other instructions that would run faster if I could compile them. The function I want to compile is SP[k_, d_, s_] := Block[{sum, ls, ln,...
With Round to a multiple of 10^-100 for every Do loop it seems to work now. Thanks for your help. Edit: No, it doesn't work. It took a while until I realized it. The compiled and uncompiled versions of the code below does not yield the same matrix...
Great, this works. Meanwhile I also found a solution with packages but this is even simpler. Now, my codes will get much shorter. Thank you very much, Neil.
Thanks J.M. Do you also know a book where is explained why this is so?
Hey Jos, thanks for your suggestion. I will try this out...
Well, for me this is so obvious that there is no need to answer it. If evolution is not random what else can it be? What is the opposite to random? There are not a lot of alternatives. I don't answer this in the article because I want the reader to...
I tested the function with this code as I use it in a Do loop similar to this one: z = 10^6; c = 0; Do[ If[1 {1, 0}] == 1, c++], {z}] // Timing Output is {4.43043, Null} Of course, in both cases c/z tends to 0.3.
I successfully compiled a function to C-code in Mathematica. As a consequence, it became almost 3 times faster than the normal compiled code. So I wonder if it is worth to write the function directly in C and to compile it with VisualStudio. Will...
This works, thanks.