Çerez Örnek

Department of Orthodontics

Orthodontics is the department that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of displacement of teeth and the development of the jaws.  The interests of orthodontics are displacement of teeth, discrepancies between jaws, excess or missing teeth.  Various orthodontic appliances are used in orthodontic treatments to provide a healthy and functional occlusion.  Crowded teeth may cause chewing problems that result in abrasion of teeth, excessive pressure on the supporting bone and temporomandibular joint disorders. 

The Department of Orthodontics is also a clinical department that provides education for PhD degree and speciality of Orthodontics.

In our departmant, pre-graduate and post-graduate education programs include theoretical and practical studies. Pediatric and adult patients can take orthodontic diagnosis and treatment care.

Treatment methods can be separeted into two categories:

Removable Orthodontic Treatment is the treatment method where various removable orthodontic appliances are used to prevent problems caused by bad habits like thumb sucking, abnormal swallowing, etc. Also these appliances are used to maintain and regain space of permanent teeth. Removable functional appliances intercept functional malocclusions. This treatment is carried out for 8-11 years old children which are in mixed dentition.

Fixed Orthodontic Treatment is applied by using bonded brackets on the teeth which cannot be removed during the treatment and wires going through these brackets. Fixed Orthodontic Treatment can be applied to patients with healthy teeth and gums at any age. In order to maintain the results of the treatment, long-term protection with various retention appliances is required.

The following applications are carried out in our department:

  • Guidance of Eruption
  • Removable Appliance Treatments
  • Functional Treatments
  • Extraoral Treatments
  • Fixed Orthodontic Treatments
  • Orthognathic Surgical Treatments
  • Treatment for Cleft Lip Palate

                                                                                                       Prof. Dr. Servet Doğan

                                                                                                     Head of Orthodontics Department



Academic Staff

Prof. Dr. ÖZLEM SEÇKİN                                     
Prof. Dr. SERVET DOĞAN                            
Prof. Dr. MÜNİRE ECE SABAH                            
Prof. Dr. ASLIHAN MEDİHA ERDİNÇ                                
Prof. Dr. BANU  DİNÇER                                      
Assoc. Prof. FURKAN DİNDAROĞLU                          

International Dental Care

A) Vision:

The vision of Ege University Faculty of Dentistry Orthodontics Department is to provide reliable and the same quality service by every physician, to accept the patient as their most valuable asset, to creat difference and value in line with its deep rooted past, aiming to treat the best treatment at every stage, to train better experts every day, to be a respected institution that contributes to the education of students.

B) Mission:

By understanding the patient, student and physician expectations in the best way, offering patients The most appropriate treatment through the most accurate way, offering the most suitable solution examples to employees and students, creating the most appropriate treatment conditions with the increasing number of physicians and workforce, being an institution that is aware of its ethical values and operates with high efficiency



Ege Üniversitesi