Third Cycle Programmes (Doctorate Degree)

Graduate School of Social Sciences - Economics - Economics - Third Cycle Programme

General Description

The Ph.D. program in Economics is presented as a sub-branch of the Graduate School of Social Sciences Economics Department.

The graduates who have successfully fulfilled all program requirements are awarded the title “The Doctorate`s Degree in Economics”.

4 Year, 8 Semesters

240 ECTS


The admission procedure is described in detail in the Ege University Graduate Education Regulation (

The rules for recognition of formal prior learning are defined as a subtitle “Rules for Recognition of Prior Learning” in the Ege Information Package. Besides, the rules are indicated in the Ege University Graduate Education Regulation (

The objective of the Ph.D. program in Economics is to rise students with required abilities to do independent search, to make comments on scientific events by widely and deeply examining widely and thus to reach new synthesis. The Ph.D. program; a) For the students holding a Bachelor’s Degree; consists of a minimum of fourteen courses, with a minimum of 42 national credits, a qualifying examination, a dissertation proposal, and a dissertation. The total ECTS credit of the program is 300 ECTS. b) For the students holding a Master’s Degree consists of a minimum of seven courses, with a minimum of 21 national credits, a qualifying examination, a dissertation proposal, and a dissertation. The total ECTS credit of the program is 240 ECTS. A student may take courses that are offered in other higher education institutions with the proposal of the board of department and after the approval of the board of directors of the graduate school. A student may have maximum of three courses in other higher education institutions to be counted from the minimum course load. The courses taken from the license degree cannot be counted as a course load or credit. The condition for the graduation is to Successfully complete all of the courses in the program and have at least 2.50 weighted GPA of 4.00.

The objective of the Ph.D. in Economics is to raise qualified graduates in economics, besides to render them as academics endowed with a flexible mindset to ease their orientation to the global competition conditions.

PhD. graduates may be employed as economists in business, in the government or international organizations. They may also furher studies in academic careers.

Graduates who successfully completed doctorate degree may apply to both in the same or related disciplines in higher education institutions at home or abroad to get a position in academic staff or to governmental R&D centers to get expert position.

The evaluation and assessment of a course as based on a midterm and a final besides other academic activities carried during the semester and make-up examinations if exist. The instructor determines the percentage contribution to the raw achievement scores of the activities carried during the semester and final exam score prior to registration and announce to the students in the first week of the course. Contribution of all semester activities including the mid-term exams are obliged to be between 40-70% while the contribution of the final exam to be between 60-30%. For Ege University Graduate Education Regulation please click

Graduation requirements are explained in the section “Qualification Requirements and Regulations” .

Full Time

Program Chair: Prof. Dr. A. Özlem ÖNDER ECTS / DS Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ayten Ayşen KAYA Contact Address: Ege University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Ege University Campus, Postal Code:35100 Bornova IZMIR

The students may take part in all social, cultural, sport and club activities offered by the Ege University Rectorate. Details on these opportunities can be found in the subtitle “General Information” ( of the Ege Information Package. By means of symposiums and congresses, speakers that are invited to our faculty and students have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge on the recent developments, both political and theoretical, in the field of economics.

Key Learning Outcomes

1 Compare, arrive at syntheses and reformulate economic concepts, theories and methods
2 Question and redefine the roles of economic agents within the economy (for example the state, the firm, household etc.)
3 Think up political suggestions concerning economic problems
4 Formulate economic problems by using advanced mathematical, statistical and econometric analytical tools
5 Apply methods and analytical tools borrowed from other disciplinary areas in order to resolve economic problems
6 Evaluate and offer insights on data concerning national and international economics
7 Analyse, question and interpret national and international economic and social events.
8 Arrive at a synthesis by analysing economic and social events within a historical perspective
9 Reformulate and make new syntheses about problems concerning economic growth and development
10 Prepare a thesis on an economic subject matter
11 Make advanced calculations, construct oral and written communications, solve problems, use new technologies of information and develop new methods
12 Conduct intra and interdisciplinary academic research
13 Produce works at a standard that would enhance and contribute to existing literature
14 Possess awareness of professional and ethical responsibility

Key Programme Learning Outcomes - NQF for HE in Turkey

Key Learning Outcomes
COMPETENCES ( Competence to Work Independently and Take Responsibility )
COMPETENCES ( Learning Competence )
COMPETENCES ( Communication and Social Competence )
COMPETENCES ( Field Specific Competence )

Course Structure Diagram with Credits (60 ECTS per Full-Time Academic Year)

T : Theoretical P: Practice L: Laboratory
1. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204036112016 Turkish Advanced Macroeconomıc Analysıs Compulsory 3 - - 6
9204036542016 Turkish Tıme Serıes Analysıs Compulsory 3 - - 6
İKT.DR.SDG3(2016) Turkish İKTİSAT DOK. SEÇ. DERS GRUBU 3 (2016) Elective - - - 18
Total 6 0 0 30
2. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204036802020 Turkish Methods of Scıentıfıc Research and Publıcatıon Ethıcs Compulsory 3 - - 6
92040956182020 Turkish Advanced Mıcroeconomıc Analysıs Compulsory 3 - - 6
92SE040362022 Turkish The Structure of Turkısh Economy (Semınar) Compulsory - - - 6
İKT.DR.SDG4(2016) Turkish İKTİSAT DOK. SEÇ. DERS GRUBU 4 (2016) Elective - - - 12
Total 6 0 0 30
3. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
SOSDRYET790 Turkish Profıcıency ın PhD Compulsory - - - 25
Total 0 0 0 30
4. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
SOSDRTEZONE Turkish Thesıs Proposal Compulsory - - - 25
Total 0 0 0 30
5. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
6. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
7. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
8. Semester
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
DRTEZ692 Turkish Thesıs Study Compulsory - - - 25
DRUAD691 Turkish Specıalızatıon Fıeld Compulsory - - - 5
Total 0 0 0 30
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204035062019 Turkish Economıcs of Socıal Polıcıes Elective 3 - - 6
9204036072016 Turkish Internatıonal Economıc Analysıs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036092016 Turkish Regıonal Economıc Analysıs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036132016 Turkish Economıc Integratıon Elective 3 - - 6
9204036172016 Turkish Labor Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036192016 Turkish Innovatıon Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036212016 Turkish New Perspectıves ın EconomıcHıstory Elective 3 - - 6
9204036252016 Turkish Methodology ın Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036272016 Turkish New Approaches to the Hıstory of Economıc Thought Elective 3 - - 6
9204036292016 Turkish World Economıc Hıstory Elective 3 - - 6
9204036312016 Turkish Medıterranean Economıc Hıstory Elective 3 - - 6
9204036352016 Turkish Polıtıcal Economy of Globalızatıon Elective 3 - - 6
9204036372016 Turkish Income, Dıstrıbutıon and Growth Theorıes Elective 3 - - 6
9204036392016 Turkish Internatıonal Monetary Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036432016 Turkish General Equlıbrıum Modellıng Elective - - - 6
9204036452016 Turkish European Economıc Hıstory Elective 3 - - 6
9204036472016 Turkish Mıcro Econometrıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036482016 Turkish Fınancıal Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036632016 Turkish Advanced Publıc Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036652018 Turkish Fınancıal Analysıs Technıques Elective 3 - - 6
9204036912021 Turkish Clımate Change: Economıcs, Scıence and Polıcy Elective 3 - - 6
Course Unit Code Language of Instruction Course Unit Title Type of Course Unit T P L Number of ECTS Credits Report
9204036162016 Turkish EU-Turkey Integratıon Elective 3 - - 6
9204036202016 Turkish Innovatıon Polıcy Elective 3 - - 6
9204036222016 Turkish Knowledge Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036242016 Turkish Foreıgn Trade Transactıons and Fınancıng Elective - - - 6
9204036282016 Turkish Analysıs of Economıc Effıcıency and Productıvıty Elective 3 - - 6
9204036342016 Turkish Internatıonal Trade and Industrıalızatıon Elective 3 - - 6
9204036382016 Turkish Fınancıal Econometrıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036392016 Turkish Internatıonal Monetary Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036402016 Turkish Defense Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036412016 Turkish Advanced Econometrıc Analysıs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036422016 Turkish Agrıcultural Fınance Elective 3 - - 6
9204036462016 Turkish Urban Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036502016 Turkish Stabılızatıon Polıcıes Elective 3 - - 6
9204036522016 Turkish Quantıtatıve Analysıs ın Economıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036582016 Turkish European Unıon Economy Elective 3 - - 6
9204036642016 Turkish Creatıve Industrıes and Creatıve Economy Elective 3 - - 6
9204036662016 Turkish Development Macroeconomıcs Elective 3 - - 6
9204036702016 Turkish Ottoman Economıc Hıstory Elective 3 - - 6
9204036762016 Turkish Ecology, Green Economy and Development Elective 3 - - 6
9204036782016 Turkish The State and the Economy: Maınstream vs Crıtıcal Approaches Elective 3 - - 6
92040956242016 Turkish Growth and Development Theorıes Elective 3 - - 6
EBB6832017 Turkish Plannıng and Assesment ın Educatıon Elective 3 2 - 6
EBB6852017 Turkish Development and Learnıng Elective 3 - - 4