Once again, Carleton University is participating in the Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS) along with all other Ontario universities that have graduate programs. This is Carleton’s sixth time administering this survey, which is conducted every three years.

On Jan. 25, you received an individual email inviting you to participate in this online survey, which will be open for three weeks. The deadline to fill in the survey is Feb. 13.

For each week of the survey, three $100 cash prizes will be awarded (deposited to the winning students’ Campus Cards). The prizes will be drawn randomly from each week’s respondents who provide their email at the end of the survey to qualify for the draw.

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented new challenges for individuals, organizations and society that we haven’t faced in the recent past. Carleton continues to adapt service, support and operations to meet the changing realities while keeping student success and well-being at the forefront. Collecting this information will assist Carleton with identifying important matters to further guide enhancement to our services for graduate students.

Why is it important for you to fill out the CGPSS?

  • Carleton takes student feedback and survey results very seriously; so this is your opportunity to share your experience.
  • Collecting this information will assist Carleton to identify important matters to further enhance our services for graduate students.
  • We will be able to compare Carleton results to those of other institutions to determine how we are doing in relation to our counterparts.

With a large number of students providing feedback, we will have sufficient information to further improve the graduate student experience. Your responses are vital to allow us to make meaningful observations, conclusions and recommendations.

If you have any questions about the CGPSS and other surveys in which Carleton participates, please contact the Office of Institutional Research and Planning at surveys@carleton.ca.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021 in ,
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