nancygold's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in nancygold's LiveJournal:

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    Friday, February 14th, 2025
    11:53 am
    ChatGPT says we dont need any colors beside blue and orange
    Colors are such a huge artist block.
    Some artists work in grayscale.
    And only in the end decide on colors.

    But you usually have human characters.
    And their skin has orange tone.
    Now you need a contrast shade tone.
    So the only other color will be blue.

    You can get purple shades,
    but then your faces will yellowish
    And de saturated.
    Purple may work with undead characters.
    Or maybe clowns
    But not in general.

    So we always start with blue+orange.
    Any other way is a challenge.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    1:07 am
    Air Brush
    Tried using the shading wash on the larger toll.
    The shader liquid didn't spread well.
    So now I have to fix it somehow.

    Usually I go from darker to light colors.
    Like in pixelart.
    But the troll is from tutorial set.
    Guess one had to mix the required colors.
    I.e. the set came with purple,
    which mixes with green to get darker shades

    Apparently the proper way to shade larger models is by color blending.
    Modern paints dry in seconds by default.
    But one can use retarder and stabilizer liquids.
    That will make them mix well.
    But the training set came without these.
    Guess for the additional difficulty.
    I couldn't dare to blend fast drying paints.
    And I was too lazy to thin it with water and layer.
    So I just tried to shade it with a wash.
    And to scrub excess of it.
    That ended in a disaster on the photo.

    Other way to shade would be airbrushing.
    Or paint black, then white white light source with spray.
    And then use the tinting paints, which preserve the contrast.

    Generally miniature painting is super methodical.

    Usually one attempts to simulate raycasting.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, February 11th, 2025
    7:50 pm
    Reducing Pantograph Engraving
    I was curious how did they produced miniature models from a larger sculpt.
    Before all the computers and CNC machines.
    Not speaking about the modern 3d scanners and 3d printers.
    I.e. how they originally produce all these Warhammer miniatures.
    They are hard to paint at the scale, and sculpting them is impossible.
    Especially with the materials available at the time.

    Apparently they used a device called "pantograph engraver".

    It had two parts: the stylus and the engraving head.
    The artist sculpted a larger prototype model
    User moved the stylus around the prototype.
    Meanwhile the chisel followed the motion at smaller scale,
    chiseling the miniature.

    The basic device was absolutely simple.
    Made out of 4 wooden sticks.
    Didn't even had any gears:
    >In 3-D machines, the tracing stylus and cutting tool both move in three dimensions within relatively wide limits. 3-D pantograph engravers were commonly used for the manufacture of stamping dies. When they operate at a scale of 1:1 they are often called "die sinking" machines. Various mechanisms were used for achieving 3-D capability; the "ratiobar" method of Gorton machines was particularly sophisticated. It is of course possible to do 2-D work on a 3-D machine.

    Guess technology went a long road.

    EDIT: ChatGPT says Games Workshop used the "electroforming with controlled shrinkage" technology to reduce the larger sculpt to a small scale. Basically the sculpt was coated with metal, which then used to form the miniature placed in its center, by passing electricity through the coat. Pantography was done during 19th and early 20th century.

    Current Mood: amused
    Friday, January 31st, 2025
    10:54 pm
    The art catanas made of Japanese raccoon dog hair

    So cute compared to your Russian pigdog Sable.

    Should I get one?

    Current Mood: curious
    1:33 am
    Apparently one can use Hitachi Magic Wand as a solution mixer

    Usually professional shake mixers are a bit expensive, and even with mixing balls one has to shake the bottle a lot.
    So vibrator comes in as one of the more useful purchases.

    Current Mood: amused
    Wednesday, January 29th, 2025
    10:14 pm
    Painting Minis
    Since HoMM3 comes with a ton of minis for each faction,
    I do need to paint them, like it is some Wharhammer 40k.
    Basically the real life version of physical painting,
    which appeared in 80ies.
    Several other autistic trans and cis girls do that.

    I do have pixelart and 3d rendering skills,
    so I know most of the basic.
    Therefore I just got a bunch of cheap acrylics.
    From the local Action store (European Wallmart).
    And the gesso to go with them.
    As a test subject I bought a few rubber turtles.
    Since I don't want to ruin HoMM3 models.

    I quickly found is that gesso fails priming plastic.
    Or anything beside usual painting canvas or wood.
    I still tried applying it and it failed.
    The car paint primer worked much better,
    but it heavily ruined finer details.

    Normal acrylics have zero coverage.
    And don't adhere to plastic.
    The cheapest synthetic brush is near useless too.
    It couldn't hold any paint
    and came ruined (curved) out of the box.
    The store also had no size 0 and size 1 brushes,
    which are required to pain minis properly.
    Size 0 brush is mandatory for things like eyes.

    I still manged to paint a turtle with it.
    But attempt at painting Yu-gi-oh minis failed.
    Although my repaint still looked better
    than what the chinks factory painted.
    Unfortunately the turtle figure went missing.
    Either somebody thrown it out or a client took it.
    So only a photo remained.

    So I got a set of proper D&D/Warhammer paints.
    These are super expensive.
    Yet they come preselected for mindless painting.
    Like working with a standard pixelart palette.
    It just works.
    Traditionally artists mixed their own paints,
    since there were none.

    I should have bought pre-shaded HoMM3 version,
    because proper shading requires airbrush,
    which costs like 200 euro.
    And airbrush makes lightsource shading easy:

    One can simulate the airbrush with drybrush,
    but the results will be inferior.
    Then again, some people like it better.
    And other believe smooth shades ruin art.
    Especially that pixelart feel of minis.

    Next I will try to paint the included minis.
    They come as the usual Warhammer minis,
    so need assembling first.
    Like it is some WW2 T34 tank model.
    And DHL deliver broke one of the model inside.
    Guess fixing it is part of the experience.

    After that I will get that Minsk and Boo set.
    Since I'm a huge fan of Baldur's Gate.

    Hopefully it will improve my autism skill a bit.


    Current Mood: accomplished
    Current Music: Zircon - Shodan (Mellow Sonic Remix)
    Saturday, January 25th, 2025
    3:38 pm
    I hate Windows so much it is unreal
    The Windows 242H update forbids side loading DLLs and accessing stack,
    Like my pc is now some iOS or Android running piece of shit:

    And Symta does dlopen and va_start/va_arg all the time, so my game doesn't run anymore.
    That also applies to all other software, using LoadLibraryEx
    Now instead I must look for ways to fix that,
    instead of developing my game and playing other games.

    Apparently 2025 is really the time of the RiscOS on the desktop.
    Because the Linux nigger became too controlling too.

    UPD: the option to "run this program in compatibility mode for Windows 8" does work, I have to re-enable it after each compilation.

    Friday, January 24th, 2025
    8:44 am
    Surface-Stable Fractal Dithering
    People still try solving the readability of basic texturing.

    Like grass is obvious when it is near screen, but once it becomes far away the grassy texture loses its readability.
    No matter the number of subpixels.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
    11:08 pm
    Streamlined the character development
    I want the game to offer rich and diverse characters.
    Yet micromanaging characters is really annoying.
    Especially when there are like 25 of them.
    I really couldn't bear XCOM because of that.
    So I just got rid of the entire skill training system.
    Just I got rid of the player managing characters inventories.
    In fact, player is no longer required even to click train to the next level.
    The less menus and clicks there, the better.

    I still provide several ways for player to influence the characters development.
    Mostly by moving characters to specific locations.
    Including the characters in squad empowering each other.
    Because forming squads is something the player naturally does.

    Obviously that works with the xp-less character development.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Friday, January 17th, 2025
    2:33 am
    How €500 board game looks like. Guess now im certified 101% crazy

    Current Mood: amused
    Sunday, January 12th, 2025
    4:38 pm
    12:06 am
    Outfit Constraints Language
    I don't want to overwhelm the player with inventory management.
    So I have introduced a system where characters buy appropriate equipment.
    The stuff they buy depends on their talents, skills, gender, rank and wealth.
    So that there will be larger variety of characters.

    That alone requires introducing a DSL to express the constraints.

    Thankfully Symta's syntax allows for easy JSON style declarations,
    but with the full power of LISP sexps.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Thursday, January 9th, 2025
    12:58 pm
    The Hairy Ball Theorem
    What is the Misha's favorite theorem?

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - Echoes of Silence
    Tuesday, January 7th, 2025
    12:51 am

    В плену апатии надежд и бреда
    Мое начало было мне концом,
    Узрела я свое бессмысленное кредо:
    Родилась на могиле той цветком.

    Пусть лепестков сознания страницы
    Сожжет без сожалений истина немая,
    А черный пепел ляжет на ресницы,
    Беззвучно в темноте блистая.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - Suffer no Light
    Monday, January 6th, 2025
    7:59 pm
    Time to Repeat My Views on Transitioning
    * I transition because I despise masculinity, and first of all in myself. That includes the male body parts. My hatred of manliness automatically led to me failing the male role before transitioning. Yet I enjoy most of the stuff coming with female role, including the lowered general responsibility and expectations. Call that auto-gynophilia, or transmaxxing.
    * I don't believe in social transitioning without medical one. You either start medical, or you are a disgusting transvestite, doing that as a gay man to attract heterosexual males to your filthy AIDS ridden ass, or some attention seeking political activist, looking for cheap PR, or a nasty pervert masturbating in woman underwear and latex.
    * I don't believe in the woke EnBy propaganda. The whole idea of non-binary/gender-fluidity is employed as conversion therapy to force transsexuals into accepting their male body and generally be more bodypositive, insisting it is okay to be a bearded bald creep in female clothes. The reason people transitioning is because they want to be women, and there is no transitioning in remaining an ugly freak.
    * I don't believe that transitioning is a good option for the previously homosexual males, who have autoandrophilia and consider transitioning to attract heterosexual males. These males usually look like tomboy girls, and after transitioning always cry "I was such a cute boy", which frequently leads to their de-transitioning or suicide.
    * I dont believe in forcing people to "use the correct pronouns", but I do believe in behaving in such an appalling way, that these same people will themselves get reserved in using the terms "male" or "man" in regards of me. That includes making mess at male toilets and provoking these people tarnishing the family and country honor, and sabotaging the male role in the ways leading to catastrophic consequence, such as failing the military duties or the expectations.The society should be convinced to come up with terms like "Nancy boy" and ban us from the male spaces

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Sunday, January 5th, 2025
    6:38 pm
    How Come Harry Potter is the most Girly Movie?
    Like it is about a boy, not a girl!

    And the Rowling's own transphobia stems from her latent desire to be a boy.

    So if you enjoy Harry Potter you're a trans man or tomboy in denial.

    Then it is totally okay for a with daddy issues girl to watch Das Boot and be horrified at idiots trapped under the sea being mistreated by their beloved hitler.

    And the Das Boot movie is super gay, where people are forced into homosexuality by the water pressure.

    Like you want to betray your country and run away, but you're on a fuckin submarine!!!

    Current Mood: contemplative
    10:35 am
    Gay with Latex Fetish Murders A Grindr Escort Crossdresser

    Always said these bdsm faggots are the embodiment of evil.
    Going to a client feels like a suicide every fuckin time.

    Current Mood: amused
    12:26 am
    The Substance
    Nobody wants to get old, but Demi Moore is in her 60ies and played 50yo woman.

    Then again, reversing aging will happen sooner than a brain transplant or brain scan.

    Good thing the advances in AI are accelerating the advances in medicine.

    But we are unlikely to see the fruits during our lives.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Friday, January 3rd, 2025
    10:16 pm
    The Difference
    5:04 pm
    French Apple Cake
    Apparently the proper french apple cake recipe is different from the Russian one, I always used:

    "Whisk 1 cup all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, and 1/4 teaspoon fine salt together in a medium bowl.

    Whisk 2 large eggs in a large bowl until fluffy. Add the melted butter, 3/4 cup packed light brown sugar, 1/4 cup spiced rum, and 1 teaspoon vanilla, and whisk to combine. Add the flour mixture and stir with a wooden spoon or rubber spatula until just combined"

    Other recipes suggest mixing cornstarch with boiling apple juice, and then adding sour cream (Russian pigs call it "smetana")

    The Russian doesn't use any baking powder, or salt or butter, or rum.

    Current Mood: amused
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