Compiled By Lane Bourbonnière and Alysha A. Cunningham

During National Indigenous History Month, it is crucial to take time to recognize the rich history, heritage, culture, resilience and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across Canada. Non-Indigenous people can pursue their journey of allyship through education and reflection. To discover ways to engage with National Indigenous History Month and beyond, please check out the resources below.

Continue Learning

Discover ways to better understand the complexity of Indigenous histories and experiences and share them with those around you.

Know the Key Reports and Findings

Understand the important work that has taken place and help achieve the Calls to Action.

Support Carleton Student Success

Explore the services and programs Carleton provides for Indigenous students.

Integrate Indigenous Knowledge in the Classroom

Use the resources made available to the Carleton learning community without overburdening Indigenous experts.

Celebrate Cultures

Take part in the celebrations and discover the rich and diverse cultures.

Connect with Surrounding Communities

Enhance your learning by making connections with local Indigenous communities.

During National Indigenous History Month, Carleton University is celebrating the rich and diverse cultures, voices and experiences of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people who are positively impacting the world. Visit our National Indigenous History Month page through the month of June to learn more.

Monday, May 29, 2023 in
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