Julie Grèzes                                                               INSERM Researcher 

Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives & Computationnelles,

INSERM U960 - Ecole Normale Supérieure

29, rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris.

Email: julie.grezes-AT-ens.psl.eu

Phone: +33-1 44 32 26 76; Fax: +33-1 44 32 26 42; 


Research: The objective of Social Cognition group is to gain a better understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying our ability to understand and respond to non-verbal social signals emitted by others. It is motivated by the insight that the human brain is a “social brain” enabling human beings to communicate and collaborate with many other individuals and to handle complex relationships. The team investigates the interactive aspect of social signals (their social effects), looking notably for the links between emotions and adaptive motor responses, both at the physiological and neurological level. We combine several approaches, psychological (self-report questionnaires), behavioral (performances and reactions times, decision-making models), psychophysiological (such as skin conductance) and neuroimaging techniques (fMRI and EEG). 

Current fundings:  INSERM, ENS, Fondation de France, ANR