Çerez Örnek



Psychological Counseling Unit


University life is a turning point where a person has the opportunity to develop themselves in terms of psychological and personal development and shapes their future. The better the person is psychologically, the more successful and happy they can be. However, as it can happen in every period of our lives, psychological problems can be experienced in many respects during university education. In order to help our students cope with their psychological problems, individual interviews and group therapies are organized. Apart from these, seminars and conferences are held on various subjects. Psychological Counseling service is provided by appointment system and is free of charge. Confidentiality is the basic principle in sessions


*Dear students, do not forget that you are not alone, you do not have to struggle with your problems alone. You can contact us for any of your psychological problems.

During the pandemic process, our meetings are held online through the Ege Ders system. You can get information from the secretariat by phone.



Secretary Aysun AKIN                   0 232 311 12 63               sksdbrehberlik@mail.ege.edu.tr

Our Psychologist Staff:


Uzm. Psikolog Deniz EVREN

Uzm. Psikolog Melis CANTİMUR

Uzm.Psikolog Ezgi YOLDAŞ BIÇKI

Ege Üniversitesi