Sen. Schumer unveils SAFE framework to address AI

Published: Jun. 21, 2023 at 6:42 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Gray DC) - Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) wants Congressional lawmakers to face the new reality that artificial intelligence innovation is creating for future generations.

On Wednesday, Schumer unveiled his SAFE Innovation Framework for artificial intelligence in a crowded room at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. The framework details five goals. First, he said AI needs to have security to protect the nation from adversaries. Second, he wants accountability to address misinformation and bias. Third, he wants the foundation of AI systems to align with democratic values and protect elections. Fourth, he wants AI manufacturers to be able to provide explanations to the public and government on data the technology provides. Fifth, he wants the U.S. to lead innovation in AI technology. Schumer also acknowledged, American jobs need to be protected as AI technology develops.

“We do not know what artificial intelligence will be capable of two years from now, 50 years from now, a hundred years from now,” said Schumer, “in the hands of foreign adversaries especially autocracies or domestic rogue groups, interested in extortionist, financial gain, or political upheaval, the dangers of AI could be extreme. We need to do everything we can to instill guardrails that make sure these groups cannot use our advances in AI for illicit or bad purpose. We also need security for America’s workforce.”

Schumer plans to hold what he calls AI Insight Forums this fall so lawmakers can meeting with top AI developers and turn ideas into laws. He stressed the importance that both Democrats and Republicans are involved in shaping future legislation regarding AI systems.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) has already expressed interest in safeguarding AI technology. This June, the Republican announced “Guiding Principles for Future AI Legislation.” He has also introduced a bill that would require companies who use AI to protect Americans privacy.

“It takes power from the biggest corporations in the world and it gives it to the American people. It gives it to individuals. It’s the right to get into court and protect yourself if these big companies use AI against you to come after your credit card information, your personal history, your personal data on the web. All of this stuff that they want to use for their AI model. They want to turn against you so they can extract money from you. They can extract information from you. They can keep you on the web. They shouldn’t be able to do that,” said Hawley.