Optimistic Hutchinson pitches law enforcement reform

Published: Jul. 17, 2023 at 7:03 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Gray DC) - The former Governor of Arkansas Asa Hutchinson was in Washington, D.C. Monday explaining his law enforcement policy vision as his campaign for president continues. The GOP hopeful is lagging in the polls and is not raising as much money as other candidates, both of which are hurting Hutchinson’s chances of making the first debate stage in August.

“It’s the right balance for America,” said Hutchinson of his eight-pillared plan.

His plan looks to reexamine responsibilities of the FBI, provide more accountability for privacy and civil liberties, require more recordings of interviews from the FBI, and more.

“(The plan is) designed to improve the rule of law in our country. Designed to build confidence in our citizens in our system of justice,” said Hutchinson.

Hutchinson said he is prepared to defend his plan on the Milwaukee debate stage on August 23, but he still needs to qualify. RNC criteria dictate he needs to poll at one percent in three separate polls, have 40,000 individual donors, and sign a pledge saying he will support whoever the eventual nominee is. An optimistic Hutchinson said he will be there.

“It’s a high threshold that’s been set. We’re going to make that goal. We have a plan to get there,” said Hutchinson.

As Hutchinson tries to carve out his space, his chief target, Donald Trump, still has a commanding lead in the polls. Trump headlined a conservative youth summit over the weekend where he rallied his base, with baseless allegations, as his legal troubles pile up.

“Today the greatest threat is not from the outside. The greatest threat is the sick, sinister, evil forces trying to destroy our nation from within,” said Trump. a

Trump’s multiple indictments are acting as fuel for his campaign rather than a damper. Hutchinson, who was booed at the same event over the weekend, will have to contend with Trump’s tactic of painting his legal woes as a Democratic attack on conservatives everywhere.

“This is an attempt to win the 2024 election and so far, and I hope it continues, but so far, it’s had the opposite effect. It’s really lifted us to new heights,” said Trump.

Amid Hutchinson’s uncertainty over debate qualification, Trump’s appearance is also a question mark. He is yet to commit to the debate.