InvestigateTV - Season 3; Episode 19

(InvestigateTV) — This Week on InvestigateTV: Some toy recalls take months due to legal restraints, leaving potentially dangerous products in families’ homes. Lee Zurik looks at what happened between one mom’s report and the recall of the product she says landed her daughter in the hospital. Plus, millions of women of childbearing age live in maternity deserts.

WHERE TO WATCH ICYMI – Watch last week’s episode.

Defective – Dupes: When consumers are injured or die due to a potentially dangerous product, the Consumer Product Safety Commission must get cooperation from the product maker to issue a quick recall. Our new investigation finds that even when some companies agree to those recalls, they may continue selling similar toys and gadgets. We’ve purchased recalled products on the secondary market – and bought new products that are similar in design to those recalled (and in some cases are from the very same manufacturer). We speak to a mother who reported a dangerous product to the government but waited a year for a recall (meantime another child died) – plus we take our latest findings to the CPSC.

Maternity Deserts: According to research from the March of Dimes Perinatal Data Center more than 2 million women of childbearing age live in maternity care deserts that have no hospital offering obstetric care, no birth center and no obstetric provider. And an additional 3.5 million women of childbearing age live in counties with limited access to maternity care. Angie Ricono spoke with a woman who gave birth on the side of the road because she and her husband couldn’t make it to the nearest hospital, which was located more than 30 miles from their home.

AI Technology & IVF: Around 17 percent of the adult population – roughly one in six worldwide – experience infertility. That’s according to the latest numbers reported by the World Health Organization. But one doctor is taking a futuristic approach – artificial intelligence – to combat this longstanding problem.

Watching Your Wallet – Pretirement: More than one in five adults have no retirement savings, according to an AARP survey. In this Watching Your Wallet, Consumer Investigator Caresse Jackman sits down with the AARP about ways you can save so you can retire peacefully down the road.

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