Stephen Wolfram Livestreams

Recent Livestreams

Live CEOing #815:
Live CEOing #814:
Live CEOing #813:
Live CEOing #812:
Live CEOing #811:
Live CEOing #810:
Live CEOing #809:
Future of Science & Technology Q&A:
Continuing the dinosaur theme, is it possible biology can repeat patterns of evolution? Is it possible for dinosaur-like creatures to reappear? Why is it as technology advances, it goes through phases of bigger to smaller to bigger? I've seen this with phones, computers, TVs, cars, etc. What does this say for the future of technology? ​​​​What would be the future of the personal computing paradigm? Would we see more remote cloud-like computing and storage in the future, essentially making personal computing devices obsolete? The current AI/LLM models aren't good at the mathematical and statistical computational methods. What areas do you think should be focused on in computer science and mathematics to teach these models to be better at computation and assist researchers and scientists? What do you think of the amount of data that gets processed or code that is run in terms of bytes vs. bytes that are used for storage in the world? What exactly is 5G? How is it different from 4G or 3G? Nowadays, instead of getting higher resolution, we can get higher color range and frame rate. If AI is being used for autonomous vehicles, then presumably technology could improve to the level where vehicles could "see around corners" by different vehicles communicating with each other, buildings, etc.—so the video stream is from multiple perspectives? Taking the concept further, could vehicles on a motorway and those joining seamlessly interweave at high speeds safely and traffic be diverted automatically in real time to ensure that there are no blockages etc.? Turns out that as computer displays get better, our sensor limitations turn out to be higher than we used to think. I recall reading something saying that 5G and low-latency connectivity would be important for self-driving cars. That seems somewhat unlikely to be an important component of self-driving now. What's the future of fiber optics? In the future, will cell towers be more advanced to prevent dead zones? View Less »
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Live CEOing #808:
Live CEOing #807:
History of Science & Technology Q&A:
How are new words adopted into language? Can anyone invent a new word, or are there certain processes? ​​ Who discovered the dinosaurs? How has technology assisted with research? ​​​​Which ecosystem could accommodate woolly elephants? ​​​​Isn't it so strange that every kid has a passion for dinosaurs? A subset of dinosaurs evolved into birds. Aren't bees considered too fat to fly? How has our understanding of the asteroid impact theory evolved since its introduction in the 1980s? ​​​​If it were technically possible, would submarines be more efficient if they copied fish or aquatic mammals? In your background, I see minerals or corals. Do you like petrology? In popular culture, dinosaurs are often portrayed as solitary and aggressive creatures, akin to fierce monsters. However, scientific research suggests that many dinosaurs may have had complex social behaviors and interpersonal relationships. Could you share an example of a dinosaur whose social behavior has been discovered or hypothesized based on fossil evidence? How do these discoveries influence our perception of dinosaurs, and how they are portrayed in the media? What came first, the dinosaur or the egg?​​ How much computational irreducibility exists in DNA engineering?​​ ​​​​Do you know what the first written description of human handedness was? There are some depictions and artifacts, but when did we realize "some people are like this"? ​​Did Isaac Newton get the idea for the inverse square law of gravity from reading a book by Giovanni Alfonso Borelli? Are there good simulations of warm periods of the Earth? What would be the physics on Earth with such huge creatures like the dinosaurs? To grow that big, they would have to either have a lot of food or the gravity must have been weirder. ​​​​Yeah, there's not enough logged data for that to be predicted accurately, IMO. When did they start keeping track of the average temperature, the ~1920s?​​ ​​During the time of the dinosaurs, atmospheric oxygen levels were significantly higher, which contributed to the existence of very large insects.​​ When a space shuttle reenters Earth's atmosphere, does it affect our protection from solar and cosmic radiation? Could this piercing of Earth's barrier impact the stability of the magnetosphere? Is it like a wound that closes gradually or immediately? View Less »
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Live CEOing #806: