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  • Not Playing with Lex and Dan cover art
    Not Playing with Lex and Dan July 18, 2019 Fast & Furious
    5.4 Fast & Furious

    We may not be fast, but we’re definitely a little angry as we slog through the desert on the way to the fourth installment of The Fast and the Furious franchise, Fast & Furious.

    Hot topics include twists that nobody cared about, an ever-so-marginally better treatment of women, bizarre chronology rearrangement, and why they keep making the same movie.

    Programming Note: In addition to this capsule episode, which contains our discussion before and after the film, members can watch along with Lex and Dan in a full-length commentary track, available in the members-only First Class feed. If you’re not already a member, why not sign up? And if you are, now’s a great time to update your membership allocations and maybe throw a little support in the direction of Not Playing. Thanks!