Seminar Series

Date Speaker Affiliation Time Room
11.04.2024 Johnathan Karpoff University of Washington 12:15-13:30 PS02,  UniPignon
25.04.2024 Christopher Palmer Masachusetts Institute of Technology 12:15-13:30 PS02, UniPignon
23.05.2024 Huang Than London School of Economics


PS02, UniPignon
20.06.2024 Martin Schmalz Oxford University                                                 12:15-13:30 PS02, UniPignon
25.06.2024 Karsten Muller National University of Singapur                      12:15-13:30 PS02, UniPignon
10.10.2024 Victoria Vanasco Barcelona School of Economics                      12:15-13:30 PS02, UniPignon
21.11.2024 Aurelio Vasquez ITAM                                                                         12:15-13:30 PS02, UniPignon
28.11.2024 Frederic Malherbe UCL School of Mangement 12:15-13:30 PS02, UniPignon



(BB) - Brown Bag seminar

Date Speaker Affiliation Presentation title Time  Room
10.04.2024 Hassan Sadegi UZH Online Detection of Change in Correlation for Dyanmic Asset Allcoation 15:00-16:30 UniPignon, room 302
17.04.2024 Paul Schneider USI Nonparametric Conditional Factors for Unbalanced Panels 11:00-12:30 UniPignon, room 302
24.04.2024 Fabio Trojani UniGe A Comprehensive Machine Learning Framework for Dynamic Portfolio Choice with Transaction Costs 15:00-16:30 UniPignon, room 302
15.05.2024 Simon Scheidegger UniL TBC 12:15-13:15 UniPignon, room 302
22.05.2024 Federico Baldi Lanfranchi EPFL Transaction-cost-aware Factors 15:00-16:30 Uni Pignon, room 302
19.06.2024 Jennie Bai Georgetown University China's Global Ownership 11:00-12:30 Uni Pignon, room 302

Past seminars >