Image Deluge & Globalization

Call for Propositions

Geneva, June 19-21 2024
Keynote Speakers :
Prof. Larissa Buchholz, Northwestern School of Communication
Prof. Emmanuel Alloa, Université de Fribourg
Hon. Prof. Arjun Appadurai, NYU Steinhardt
Conclusive Roundtable:
Prof. Ludovic Tournès, Université de Genève


     The fields of visual studies, cultural history, and art history have encountered considerable challenges in addressing the plurality of images. These disciplines typically favour a singular outlook on images, neglecting the sheer deluge of visual representations that characterize the modern media landscape.

Nevertheless, the constant flood of images has been part of our daily lives since the introduction of mass reproduction techniques, evolving alongside the gradual development of engraving, illustrated print, advertisement, cinema, television, video games, and now digital media. Observers of these consecutive stages of mass visual communication and consumption have consistently linked this phenomenon with the broader concept of globalization, often raising concerns about cultural homogenization, and loss of identity.

This conference aims to provide a comprehensive exploration of image globalization, representing the wide range of subjects and methodologies used in the domain. Contributions may touch upon several thematic areas:

  • Analysis of the phenomenon of image globalization (including logistics, technology, production, consumption, etc.).

  • Examination of the specificity of globalization according to an individual visual medium or subject (art, prints, illustrated magazines, cinema, TV, digital images, immersive images, video games, etc.).

  • Investigation on the geographical and social ramifications of large-scale image circulation, throughout the lenses of one or more mediums (e.g. illustrated print, television, cinema, digital images). This may include studies that explore which images or styles of images circulate in specific locations and social milieus, as well as identifying regions or socio-cultural contexts that remain unaffected by large-scale image dissemination.

  • Exploration of how experience and perception of image deluge has evolved over different historical periods and what are the tangible/intangible traces of image-overflow within a cultural group (local, national, ethnic, etc.).

  • Analysis of the impact of the globalization phenomenon on the evolution of image theory and practice.

Contributions will be accepted as 20-minutes presentation (plus 10 minutes Q&A) or as Poster (180 seconds presentation plus one hour Q&A).

The conference will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, Wednesday, June 19, to Friday, June 21, 2024. It is organized by the Digital Humanities Chair at the University of Geneva, as part of the FNS Visual Contagions project. The event will be hosted by the Museum of Art and History of Geneva at GamMAH (Promenade du Pin 5, 1204 Geneva). The conference will be paired with a separate Hackathon, specifically designed for doctoral students and young researchers. The Hackathon aims to provide insights into the use of digital methods for the analysis of cultural globalization. A CfP (Call for Participation) for the Hackathon will be published separately. 



Proposals for the conference should be submitted as a PDF document by March 20, 2024 and should include a title, an abstract of up to 250-400 words and a 200-word biography, all in English, in the same document. Submissions should be sent to, with documents titled as follows: LASTNAME_Firstname_ShortTitle.pdf.