Communicating with or about your student

What kind of information can the university tell me about my student?

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the university cannot release personal or academic information without the consent of the individual. It is important that you and your student come to a shared understanding about what rights they may authorize you to have, what might be communicated and how. Our staff will let you know if they are unable to discuss something with you based on privacy laws.

See the university's Protection of Privacy Policy for more information.

What if I can't get in touch with my student?

Residence Services recommends you and your student make an agreeable communication plan prior to residence move-in. Moving on campus and starting an academic year can be an exciting and challenging time for your student. They may be experiencing increased and competing priorities in their schedule. At times, this can distract your student from remembering to return your calls.

Urgent Concerns

If you have an urgent concern about your student's well-being, please contact Campus Security and ask them to check on your student.


If you have attempted multiple contacts with your student and are worried they are not responding, our team may be able to send them a note and request they contact you.

How can I send mail and packages to my student?

Students can receive packages with non-perishables via Canada Post and courier. Please refer to our mailing instructions for addresses and mailing instruction.

If you would like to send a care package to your student, Degrees Catering provides a "Gifts from Home" service that will ensure perishable items are stored properly until your student is able to pick the item up.