

UVic's bike loan program – BikeHub - is a bike-share program where volunteer mechanics give new life and use to old bikes. The BikeHub loans out refurbished used bikes to the UVic community at a reasonable price. The BikeHub program diverts waste from the landfill, promotes community health and takes action on climate change.  

Location and Hours

The BikeHub is located under the Jamie Cassels Centre, in the Campus Bike Centre (CBC).

The BikeHub is open Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.

How do I rent a bike?

  1. Fill out our Bike Loan Form: FORMS
  2. You will be contacted shortly after you successfully submit your application

Can I Volunteer with the BikeHub?

Fill out our Volunteer Application Form: FORMS


Please take a moment to review the Campus Cycling Plan. Please note that UVic has many shared pathways. When cycling on campus, go slow and share the road.


Cycling is a great way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. It's also a great way to stay healthy, and get involved in the cycling community on campus! Check out the UVic Sustainability - Cycling pages to learn more about biking on, to, and from campus.