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Student conduct & policies

The Office of Student Life works with other offices on campus and with the university community more broadly to help maintain an atmosphere of respect and accountability on campus.

We strive for fair and efficient resolution processes on issues related to non-academic misconduct. We emphasize informal resolution and educational outcomes.

Reporting & resolving misconduct

We help resolve non-academic student misconduct issues. We support informal resolutions and encourage them whenever possible. If an informal resolution isn’t possible, we help resolve formal allegations. We will:

  • receive and review formal allegations of misconduct
  • determine if an investigation is needed
  • investigate allegations
  • determine or recommend a reasonable course of action after the investigation

Sexualized violence policy

If you or someone you know has experienced sexualized violence and there is an immediate health or safety concern, call 9-1-1. If the incident happened on campus, you should also call Campus Security at 250-721-7599 for 24/7 support.

The Sexualized Violence Resource Office (SVRO) in Equity and Human Rights is located in Sedgewick C133. The SVRO is the place to go on campus if you are seeking information and advice in relation to sexualized violence, support or policy options and/or prevention education. You can contact the SVRO through the following channels:

Discrimination, harassment & bullying

If you feel you have experienced discrimination, harassment or bullying, there is a policy in place to protect you.

Your first point of contact for information, advice, and/or to report a concern, is the Equity and Human Rights office. They can provide you with support and reporting options both on and off campus. Contact Equity and Human Rights to discuss your situation.

Campus gatherings

It’s important to remember that the university campus is private property. If you’re coming to campus to meet friends, keep our campus rules and guidelines for gatherings in mind.

As per our Buildings and Grounds policy, overnight camping and tents are not permitted on university grounds.

Your responsibilities

As a member of the UVic community, you’re responsible for your personal conduct. You need to be aware of how your conduct affects other UVic community members, activities and property. View the complete list of university policies.

If you have questions or concerns you can contact us at or 250-472-5617.