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University District

UVic's real estate strategy outlines the development of a new mixed-use University District near our main campus—one that encompasses new housing and supporting commercial uses.

Our vision

The University District will transform UVic’s Ian Stewart Complex and adjacent lands into a walkable mixed-use community to support much-needed new housing. The site is currently used for athletics, administrative offices, storage and emergency services; however, buildings on the site are nearing the end of their lifecycle. The site is ideal for new housing, as it is close to transit, amenities and the main campus. 

Colour map of phase one of the university district real estate plan.

Phase One

The first phase of the real estate strategy will involve the redevelopment of the Ian Stewart Complex, Campus Storage Facility and Saanich Fire Hall #3 sites, which combine to form a 14-acre parcel of land located on Gordon Head Road in the District of Saanich. 

Community engagement

Community engagement is an essential part of planning for a new University District. 

Check out our What We Heard report from our first phase of engagement: November-December 2023.

Here's what we heard from the second phase of engagement in April 2024, as well as the open house poster boards: 

Quadra McKenzie Study

The District of Saanich is also developing the Quadra McKenzie Study to promote sustainable land use and accommodate new housing and employment growth within well-designed Centres, Corridors and Villages (CCV).

Engage with us

Want to learn more about the real estate strategy and future opportunities to shape a master plan with UVic? Contact us at