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Interpreting & transcribing

If you are D/deaf or hard of hearing, you can schedule the following services for your classes and other academic events:

  • sign language interpreters
  • transcription services (TypeWell)
  • captioning services (CART)

You will need to:

  • talk to your advisor to request accommodation
  • make your requests 6-8 weeks before the term starts

Note: we hire and assign interpreters, transcribers and captionists based on their experience, education, availability and how they fit with your needs.

Sign language interpreting

We work with Registered Sign Language Interpreters who have passed the post-secondary screening tool. This is to ensure that you have the most accurate and effective interpreting experience.

Transcription services (TypeWell)

Transcribers capture the lecture with an abbreviation software, TypeWell. TypeWell transcribers provide meaning-for-meaning transcripts. You will be able to access the live transcript using a web browser on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.

Captioning services (CART)

Captioning services provide word-for-word what the speaker is saying. You will be able to access the live captions using a web interface on your laptop, tablet or smartphone.


You can apply for a permanent disability grant to cover all or a portion of the interpreting or transcription costs. The university will cover the remaining cost. Please discuss this with your Centre for Accessible Learning (CAL) advisor.

Need help?

Send us an email if you have questions or need more information.