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Natasha Moroz (geography and environmental studies)

Learn about University of Victoria geography and environmental studies student Natasha Moroz, who worked as the marketing and business development specialist for Nature Bee beeswax wraps, a Victoria-based company that was founded by UVic alumna Katie Gamble.

Working for a co-op graduate

Moroz spent a co-op work term managing Nature Bee’s website development, social media content and online marketing, as well as contributing to graphic design projects.

Gamble, the founder of Nature Bee, was also a co-op student during her time at UVic. The company started as a final project during Gamble’s last year at UVic, where she completed a Bachelor of Commerce. 

Gamble says that bringing a co-op student into your business can provide a new and unique perspective.

"Natasha made such a difference to my business," she says.