Emergency help

Emergency support contact information
I need... Call For
Immediate assistance for police, ambulance or fire 9 1 1 Emergency assistance
On-campus security concerns including emergency reporting of sexualized violence 250-721-7599 Campus Security Services
A security escort to walk me safely to my next location on campus 250-721-7599 SafeWalk (a Campus Security service)
To talk to someone immediately (e.g. due to an emotional crisis including thoughts of suicide) 1-888-494-3888 Vancouver Island Crisis Line
Assistance or information about sexual assault or sexual abuse (women & trans people) 250-383-3232 Victoria Sexual Assault Centre
Support to heal from the effects of trauma (men) 250-381-6367 Men's Trauma Centre
Support for transgender people experiencing a crisis 877-330-6366 Trans Lifeline
Phone or online assistance for UVic employees 250-721-8085 Employee assistance program

You may…

Contact EQHR to...

Ask for advice

To make an appointment about any matter related to sexualized violence, discrimination and harassment or bullying, please contact Sam Lall, Case Management Officer at eqhr01@uvic.ca or 250-721-8486.

For other advice, feel free to review staff areas of responsibility and contact one of us directly.

Make a complaint or report

Call us to talk through your options, for support, and for help to prepare and submit a complaint. We're available to answer questions and provide support at all stages in the process. Please contact Sam Lall, Case Management Officer at eqhr01@uvic.ca or 250-721-8486.

Types of complaints include:

  • report of sexualized violence regarding something you experienced
  • anonymous statement about sexualized violence
  • third-party complaint about sexualized violence
  • informal complaint about bullying or human rights-based discrimination and harassment
  • formal complaint about bullying or human rights-based discrimination and harassment

Discuss ways to build an inclusive campus

Read about UVic’s: 

Please arrange an appointment to discuss these with us in person or by phone.