Discrimination and harassment

We support all members of the UVic community who have experienced discrimination and harassment or have questions or concerns.

About UVic’s discrimination and harassment policy

UVic strives to prevent discrimination and harassment from taking place, and to act upon complaints of such behaviour promptly, fairly, judiciously and with due regard to confidentiality for all parties concerned.

Under the Discrimination and Harassment Policy (GV0205), UVic recognizes that education about human rights and the development of work and learning cultures that value diversity and inclusion and foster respect are key to preventing discrimination and harassment.

The policy addresses several areas of discrimination and harassment:

  • Prohibited grounds of discrimination set out in the British Columbia Human Rights Code
  • Sexual harassment
  • Personal harassment
  • Workplace bullying and harassment for employees

Access resources on and off campus if you are affected by discrimination, harassment or bullying or contact us to discuss your situation.

Policy review

From January 2023 - May 2024, we are reviewing the Policy to set new standards for and renew our commitments to preventing and responding to discrimination and harassment. Contribute to the policy review.