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New faculty & staff

Photo of woman sitting on bench

Welcome to our campus community. The information on this page will familiarize you with everything our extraordinary university has to offer.

Employee handbook

The Employee Handbook and Indigenous Employee Guide provide new hires with general information about working at UVic.

Getting set up

As a new employee, you need to complete the UVic Employee Onboarding Checklist. Be sure to complete the UVic Employee Information form as soon as possible.

Once you’ve filled in and returned the employee information form, you’ll receive an email with your employee number and a link to create a NetLink ID. You must have a NetLink ID to set up your UVic email account and payroll.

You should also submit your direct deposit authorization form as soon as possible. You can find this form on the employee onboarding checklist.

Use your NetLink ID to login to the Online tools portal. In the employee services tab, you can access your:

  • pay information: job summary, pay stubs and direct deposit allocation
  • leaves and benefits: benefit statement and leave balances (including sick and vacation entitlements)
  • tax forms: downloadable T4 slips, tax credits and TD1/deductions return forms
  • UVic email
You can also update or change your online name and preferred email address.

Your ID card

The ONECard is your official UVic identification. You can get yours at the ONECard office in the University Centre. You’ll need to bring your UVic V00# and a piece of government-issued photo ID. You can load money onto your ONECard and use it as a debit card across campus. Add funds and manage your balance in MyCard.

New Employee Welcome event

This annual event is hosted by Human Resources and is open to any employee who is new to UVic or has never attended a new employee welcome. The session usually includes:

  • a panel that introduces some senior administration, our UVic Strategic Framework and the UVic Edge
  • information about current UVic projects, research and student activities
  • activities about our values of diversity, culture, sustainability and healthy workplaces
  • a welcome speech by the university president

Contact us for more information or a registration link at or 250-721-4931.

Orientation for new faculty & librarians

The Division of Learning and Teaching Support and Innovation (LTSI) offers an annual orientation program for new faculty and librarians. This is a great way to network with other new colleagues across campus and learn about administrative processes and procedures.

For more information, email

New employee tours

New employee tours give faculty and staff an overview of our campus. If this is your first job at UVic (and even if it’s not), join us to get a better idea of your new workplace and the UVic community.

Employee Bus Pass (E-Pass)

The UVic employee bus pass program offers monthly Victoria Regional Transit passes at more than 50% off the regular price. Eligible employees can purchase an E-Pass at the Campus Security office near the bus loop.


UVic uses virtual parking permits by licence plate number. All vehicles parked on campus must have a licence plate linked to a valid permit.

Hourly, daily and weekly permits are available at any parking dispenser or online.

Your first year

As you settle into your new role here at UVic, you’ll become familiar with what makes our campus such a unique place. As you grow into your new role, keep asking questions and learning about our community. UVic is an amazing place because of the support and engagement of the people in our community.