Two students hold signs saying "your support matters" and "thank you"

Report to Donors 2024

The stories and stats in this year's report show how your generosity fuels our quest to make change—of the transformative power of your giving. We can’t wait for change. Together, we are creating it now.

View this year's report
Woman in blue striped shirt with full garden boxes in background

Access to Education

Last year, one in every seven University of Victoria students relied on donor support in order to manage their costs. From emergency bursaries to entrance scholarships, UVic faculties are raising funds this spring to create better access to education for students.

Student supports across faculties
Meghan Wilson sits on rocks in front of the ocean smiling at the camera

Opening doors across the globe

Meghan Wilson grew up in the government care system and has been working and living independently since she was a young teen. While at UVic studying entrepreneurship, she embraced opportunities to start her own business and travel abroad. 

Read about Meghan's story
Shirina Evans smiles at the camera, a field of tall grass is behind her

Embracing identity and pursuing justice

As a single mother and Sixties Scoop survivor, Shirina's journey to law school has been marked by resilience and a desire to reform the Canadian legal system. When she was accepted into UVic’s joint degree program in Canadian common law and Indigenous legal orders, her search for her Indigenous heritage intersected with her quest to become a lawyer. 

Read Shirina's story
Parinaz and her husband and colleague, Reza, stand in a lab wearing lab coats. Reza is holding a flexible solar cell.

Engineering a greener tomorrow

With donor support, Parinaz Moazzezi is working towards her dream of making renewable energy accessible for everyone. She is part of a multi-disciplinary team that is using innovative chemistry, physics, and engineering methods to explore alternative materials for solar energy technologies that do not depend on harmful heavy metals.

Read Parinaz's story
People dancing around a fire in a big house

Chief Mungo Martin Research Chair

Bruce McKean takes part in the Indigenous naming ceremony held on September 22, 2022 at Wawadiťła, also known as Mungo Martin House. The family of Mungo Martin gave permission for the name to be used in the title of UVic’s new research chair in Indigenous mental health, funded by Bruce's generous gift. (Photo: UVic Photo Services)

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Scuba diver exploring a coral reef

Gift supports research on land, oceans and stars

A gift from the estate of renowned Calgarian and philanthropist Margaret (Marmie) Hess is supporting graduate and post-doctoral researchers at the University of Victoria across the sciences. 

Read about this legacy gift
girl wearing pink sweater and sprinkle glasses that say "giving tuesday" smiles at camera while holding two peace signs

Generosity shines bright at UVic Giving Tuesday!

This Giving Tuesday, 815 donors generously gave $157,949 to support the students, programs, and research that enrich our community! 

Check out the highlights from UVic's Giving Tuesday and see what's possible when we take part together.  

Giving Tuesday

Every gift you make to UVic has an impact

Your donation can encourage students to achieve amazing things. Your donation can inspire researchers to solve big questions. Your donation, quite simply, can change the world.

Ways to give


There are many ways to give to suit your needs: online, by mail or by phone. From one-time gifts of cash and monthly recurring gifts, to planned gifts through a will, gifts of securities, or gifts in-kind.

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Our priorities

Our priority

You have many options to decide what projects or initiatives you want to support. Check out the current university priorities, or explore giving options for the faculties and units.

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Impact of giving

Impact of giving

Your generosity touches the lives of hundreds of students and researchers at UVic everyday. Read more about donor impact through the annual report to donors, or browse this collection of videos and stories.

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