Stories behind the gift

Bletchley Codebreakers 1945
Bletchley Codebreakers 1945 - See Frances Druce's "Story Behind the Gift"

Behind every legacy gift, there are people like you with fascinating stories. Read some of them below.

Panel from graphic novel showing person pushing another person in a wheelchair on UVic campus
Donna fufilled her dream of studying at UVic

Donna Pistell

Donna Pistell defined her own lifetime of adventure and achievement, defying the expectations of others. Her intrepid spirit lives on through a unique endowed student award at UVic.

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Roy Dancey with the Canada France Hawaii Telescope
Roy Dancey (far right) with the Canada France Hawaii Telescope

Roy Dancey

After leaving his mark on the Canadian astronomy community, Roy honours his late wife with a legacy that will benefit scholars worldwide for generations to come.

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Claire Aitken
One family's legacy supports future generations

Claire Aitken

Inspired by her mother's concern for the environment, this family's legacy will ensure future enivornmental studies students are able to thrive.

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Bob Ford
Swinging students toward success

Mr. Bob Ford

Robert (Bob) W. Ford was born in Victoria on September 28, 1916 and the early years of his life weren't always easy. His father died tragically when Bob was 4 years old and his month struggled to make ends meet for Bob and his older sister...

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Dr. Elisabeth Dixon
Accomplished doctor advocates for women's post-secondary education

Dr. Elisabeth Dixon

Dr. Elisabeth (Lis) Dixon loved to travel - her favorite trip was to the Galapagos. She loved sport and physical activity – she skied and climbed mountains, was a goalie for the Canadian Women’s Field Hockey Team, an avid Squash player (once ranked #5 in Canada) and in retirement, Captain of her local ladies golf league... 

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Anne Pomeroy Autor
Brilliance knows no bounds

Dr. Anne Pomeroy Autor

When someone is described as “accomplished”, it usually means they are experts in one or two fields. What, then, should we call someone who excelled in every area of human endeavour? Is that level of excellence even possible?...

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Braden O'Donnell
A spark ignited and a true passion found...

Mr. Braden O'Donnell

Braden learned many things during his years at UVic, but the greatest gift came unexpectedly during a class on Dante's Divine Comedy. A discovery was born, and through the encouragement and support of the professor, a spark was ignited and a true passion found...

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Eva May Moody
Planting seeds of research in young minds

Eva May Moody

One of Eva’s traits was an insatiable curiosity and she was an avid reader. Her interests included archaeology, art, flora and fauna, history and politics. The one subject which absorbed her all her life was the study of traditional medicine and herbal remedies. She took copious notes on everything she learned from BC First Nations and the other Indigenous people she met on her travels around the world...

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Frank Williams
Frank Williams enjoying a break from the Bonaventure ship

Frank Williams

Having family who are actively involved in a student’s education is often key in their academic success. However, not all students have family who can afford to help them financially, so bursaries and scholarships become an important aid...

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How would you like your story to read?

For more information, contact:

Kristy Colpron
Manager, Legacy Giving and Estate Administration
Phone: 250-721-8967

Greg Kuhn
Associate Development Officer, Legacy Giving and Estate Planning
Phone: 250-721-6001

All enquiries are kept strictly confidential.

Please consult your income tax, financial and/or legal advisors before arranging a legacy gift.