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Jointly-supervised PhD programs

A jointly-supervised (co-tutelle) individual PhD program is different from other doctoral degrees we offer. It’s co-supervised by faculty members at UVic and a recognized university abroad. You’ll receive a single PhD degree jointly awarded by the universities involved. You’ll designate one of these universities as your “home” university.

The specific details of each jointly-supervised individual PhD program must be worked out in advance for each student. The details will be outlined in a memorandum of agreement.

How to pursue this PhD option

  • consult with the academic units at UVic and the partner university well in advance
    • jointly-supervised individual PhD programs take a significant amount of time to establish
  • you cannot have completed more than 12 months of study in the PhD at either of the partner institutions before initiating a jointly supervised PhD program
  • make sure your application, admission and academic program meet the PhD requirements of each university

How to apply

  • Contact the graduate adviser in the UVic academic unit you'd like to be admitted to.
  • Get approval in principle from the academic unit to admit you into this joint degree.
  • Apply for admission to the PhD program with that academic unit.
  • Find a faculty member in that academic unit who agrees to be your program supervisor.
  • Review the memorandum of agreement (MOA) template with your supervisor and with the potential partner-university supervisor.
  • Contact the Administrative Manager in the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS). They will facilitate the negotiations and development of the MOA.
  • Complete the MOA document with your supervisors. Get it approved by each institutions’ graduate advisers and academic unit chairs.
  • Once you’ve received the approvals, submit the MOA to the Administrative Manager, FGS who will obtain the required signatures.
  • Once all approvals are given, we will amend your academic record to reflect that you have been admitted to a jointly-supervised individual PhD program.

Memorandum of agreement (MOA)

The partner universities will establish a memorandum of agreement (MOA). It must have final approval from the deans of graduate studies in each university. The MOA will be established as close to the first registration as possible. It must be approved and signed no later than by the time you reach candidacy.

The MOA will include, but is not limited to:

  • details related to the academic program you will have to complete
  • assignment of supervision, required coursework, candidacy examination(s)
  • dissertation requirements including:
    • the language, length and format of dissertation
    • oral defence
    • submission of the final dissertation
  • the arrangements among the partners on various responsibilities and regulations including:
    • the administration of student admission
    • registration
    • monitoring of progress
    • funding and student support
    • intellectual property guidelines
    • graduation and awarding of parchment(s)
    • tuition and fees guidelines*

*Students in jointly-supervised individual PhD programs typically pay tuition to the university in which they are resident in each term.