Distance students

Angie Thomson with son
The distance education program at UVic allows Angie to stay at home with her two young children while she pursues her degree.

Getting started

The school has more than thirty years of experience in the delivery of distance and distributed education. Our distance program is fully integrated with our on-campus undergraduate program.

If you are a distance student, please refer to the section for current students for useful information to support your learning and planning.

Starting Distance Education Courses

You may already be a UVic student. You may take some CYC courses as a UVic student but in order to take the full program, you will need to apply.  It is important to remember that application to the BCYC program is a competitive process.

  1. If you have been admitted to UVic, please review the important information on our "Getting Started" page.

  2. Current distance students should carefully review ALL information under Current Undergraduate students paying particular attention to the practicum information.