Library news

Internship reflection

One of the benefits of this position was how it allowed me to learn about so many facets of the library, from Special Collections to the Centre for Academic Communication to the Digital Scholarship Commons and everything in between. I’ve made so many connections across departments, and the staff at the Libraries have made every day a joy. I feel so fortunate for this opportunity and for all the wonderful people I’ve met along the way.

The work of artist Lynda Gammon

Using her meditative practice as a base from which to frame this exhibit, Gammon guides us behind-the-scenes to that space between the walls, in the collections' vaults, where women's artworks endure. Captured by partially blurred and obscured black and white photographs, Gammon's self-portraits encourage us to not only consider the passage of time and space, but both the presence and absence of women artists in archives and art historical collections.

Explore the world of student podcasts

The University of Victoria Libraries student podcast award is intended to recognize and celebrate the high-quality work being created by UVic students in the world of podcasting. The contest is meant to highlight and demonstrate the ways students are living UVic’s values of “engaged learning and real-life involvement to contribute to a better future for people and the planet.”

In conversation with librarian Courtney Lundrigan

As for a typical day, one of my favourite things about being a librarian is that it’s rare for a day to be ‘typical.’ The variety of projects and responsibilities was one of the selling points for me in working in libraries. Since arriving at UVic, I’ve been into everything from participating in Thunderfest, teaching first-year classes, planning events, and supporting projects that have us engaging directly with students.

Broken Promises exhibit

The capstone of the Landscapes of Injustice project’s seven year multi-institutional, community engaged research, Broken Promises puts names and faces to a dark chapter of Canadian history. It is a reminder of the power of racism, the many Canadians who were complicit in this injustice, and the legacies of dispossession that persist to this day. The exhibit is open to the public, and free to visit.