University Food Services (UNFS) Meal Plan Survey Results

- University of Victoria

Over the past several months, University Food Services has been researching and reviewing Meal Plan delivery models on campus. In particular, the focus has been on:

a) continuing with our current meal plan service model (Declining Balance Meal Plan) vs.
b) comparing this to an All Access (AA) Dining service model, also referred to as All You Care To Eat

UNFS conducted an extensive consultation process regarding the 2 meal plan service models.

This process included: 

  • using feedback from the annual UNFS campus-wide survey earlier in 2023
  • meeting with Residence Community Leaders (CLs)
  • in-depth discussions with the Residence Dining Advisory Committee
  • information and feedback from UVSS and ELC
  • six information sessions (15 hours) held in the Cove Dining Hall (Oct 17-19, 2023)
  • site visits to other universities with All Access Dining Meal Plans (UBC, SFU, TMU, Brock and WLU)
  • engagement with Kaizen Food Service Consultants
  • advisement from CCUFSA (Canadian College and University Food Service Association)

Based on the above consultation process, we conducted a survey across campus between October 23 and October 27. Based on the 2 meal plan service models, the survey asked “Which type of meal plan would you prefer?”

  • Declining Balance Meal Plan (current model): 805 responses (68%)
  • All Access Meal Plan (potential model): 376 responses (32%)

Current students on a meal plan accounted for almost 98% of the recorded responses.

Based on the survey results and clear direction from students on the current meal plan, the Declining Balance Meal Plan model will be retained as the preferred model.

The consultative process provided additional feedback on potential improvements. UNFS will continue to engage with residence students on how best to enhance the current Declining Balance Meal Plan model. Options include extending the Declining Balance Meal Plan to include Mystic Market food outlets, offering different pricing levels (5-day and 7-day), and increasing the flex funds portion of the meal plan.

Over the next 6 weeks, UNFS will consult with students through public presentations and information sessions, including input from the Residence Dining Advisory Committee to define which future improvements are most desirable.

UNFS would like to thank all those who participated in the initial consultation process and those who completed the survey. Please watch for more exciting Meal Plan announcements to come.